by You Know 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • logical

    Still alive You Know.....

  • You Know
    You Know
    Again, Jeremiah 25:29 and 1 Peter 4:17 shows that "Gods House" comes under "judgment" First, before all others. First. And First means first. Jehovah's Witnesses will be "disciplined" by God, "first," first before all others, totally ALONE. Totally alone. How so?

    I don't disagree with that, the Jew first and then the Greek is the ordering of things. And I expalined how the tribulation serves that purpose. As regards my expression ---initial phase of the tribulation---that you took exception to, we could point to the 1st century fulfillment of Christ's words regarding the disgusting thing encroaching upon a holy place. That event, which occurred in 67 C.E., when the Romans under Gallius besieged the city, marked the beginning of the tribulation. That was the signal for Christians to take decisive action. As it turned out the Roman legions withdrew and didn't return for over 3 years. So, what occurred then in 67 was an INITIAL PHASE of the tribulation that was to follow. And primarily that initial phase of distress affected Christians who obeyed Jesus and left their homes and businesses, and perhaps families in some cases. That was their trial; their judgment, if you will. The rest of the city that stayed received their judgment later when the Romans imperial legions returned and crushed Jerusalem. So in the grander fulfillment, the initial phase of the tribulation that comes upon the world will serve God's purpose of testig and refining his own. As the tribulation progresses to its conclusion, then God's judgments against the world are revealed at Armageddon. Like in 67, the judgment is based upon how each one responds to the distressing events of the initial phase of the tribulation.

    "ALL NATIONS" are "gathered against" God's people, first. They place "Israel" or Jerusalem under "siege." This is a worldwide condition. It cannot be missed, this situation is unmistakable.

    Correct. Under the present relatively stable political system, such a "gathering" against God's people could not occur. Take for example the last 2 world wars, when Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted. In each instance the legal system in place eventually afforded us the protection we are legally entitled to under constitutional law. But, it should be noted that wars serve as a pretext for such officially sanctioned persecutions in the first place. The only way that the nations are going to be gathered against us is under a crisis situation where you have martial law and that sort of thing, which of course can easily come about under conditions of financial collapse and war.

    Because of their present-day, horrible spiritual condition and despicable conduct, Jehovah's Witnesses are going to come under INTERNATIONAL ATTACK and intense VERBAL persecution by the Hand of God

    I am sorry, but that's just plain silly. "International VERBAL persecution"? What, they are going to call us names? Get real! Jesus said that when the persecution comes it will result in them killing some of us. Maybe that's by means of a tongue lashing?

    "Before all these things...", he said. Before what things?

    In Matthew's and Mark's accounts Jesus reversed the order saying "then" meaning afterward, or after that, referring to the wars etc. The difference might be explained in light of the fact that in Luke's account, when he foretold wars and famine, he also added that there would be "fearful sights and from heaven great signs." The signs from heaven, Jesus noted, are to occur "immediately after the tribulation in those days." So, after the beginning pangs of distress, which have long been in evidence, but before the political luminaries go on the wane or the sign of the Son of Man appears in the heavens, Jehovah's people will be delivered up to international tribulation and persecution.

    / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know


    Still alive You Know.....

    You are entitled to your opinion. / You Know

  • bjc2012

    You Know,

    The latest teachings on the great tribulation by the WTS are: the initial phase of the great tribulation is the attack on Babylon the Great and then the nations of the world gets it. This they say corresponds to the attacks on Jerusalem in 66 and 70 CE. Now I ask: How can Jerusalem have represented Babylon the Great in 66 CE and then represented the nations of the world in 70 CE? Now, that's what I call silly!

    Jesus' words at Luke 21:20, 21 show that they were to flee Jerusalem when "you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies..." Cestus Gaius did not surround Jerusalem in 66. That occurred in 70 when Titus encircled the city. So, you cannot say that christians fled the city in 66 CE if you base it on what Gaius did.

    The nations will gather against JWs when Jehovah says so. It has nothing to do with the world situation. During previous wars JWs were persecuted for the same reason any other group would be; they refused to participate in them. What I'm stressing to you is that when the great tribulation begins, there will not be a war to which a JW could point to explain why he is under attack. That's the difference!


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