Time Limit ----- Words.

by Blueblades 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    In various watchtower publications what follows are the Time Limit Words used by the society to keep the rank and file in the fold.

    Very Near.------Just Ahead -----Happen Soon -------On the Horizen ----Soon -----Drawn Near ------At the Threshold ------Shortly Take Place ----About To -------Drawn Close -----Swifthly Nearing ------Reward is in Sight ----Time is Fast Running Out ---A New World Very Near -----Now as Never Before -----Soon to be Detroyed ----Complete in our Day -----

    Now here is the clincher -------are you ready for the clincher ------Does this mean Before the turn of a new month, a new year,a new decade,a new century? Here is the clincher ---NO HUMAN KNOWS!!!That's their conclusion after all the time limit words they usehuh?


  • stillajwexelder

    JUST AROUND THE CORNER - That is the one that I have heard most and particularly pisses me off

  • Siddhashunyata


  • Leolaia

    "Take care not to be deceived because many will come using my name and saying, 'I am he' and 'The time is NEAR AT HAND.' Refuse to join them." (Luke 21:8)

  • fearnotruth22


    Since according to Jesus no one knows the day or the hour, how does the Society know that it is in ones lfe time or how is it that they use the words you mention. They have no meaning since they they would only make sense idf some timeframe was known. It is deceptive to tell some one soon and then disappoint them by having them die waiting. hat do you think?

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    Actually, I just visited the governing body while they slept. I got the scoop right from their brain. "Everything is very soon and just around the corner and the second door on the left. However, to get the truth of what's behind the door you must re read the watchtower ten times. Now answer all the questions. You must use a yellow hi-liter, not those pansy pink ones. Also comment with only references from other publications or with the answers we already supplied you with in the magazine. We are brilliant! Our questions, and then our answers, from your lips. Ha! what a way to re-iterate our complete understanding of nothing! Now cross reference the date found on page 27 of the 1978 bound volume of the watchtower. No not your copy, the one locked in the headquarters in Brooklyn. O.k now it's all clear. Just follow the yellow brick road... oh forget it. Just give me your donation and look in this newest issue it explains eveything so clearly. You will see it's just around the corn... um I said that... I mean just outside the door. Yeah that's it."

    "This is God!"
  • blondie

    At Hand








    Near at Hand

    Close at Hand


    w01 6/1 p. 22 Moving Ahead to Final Victory! ***

    From its very beginning, true religion has faced strong opposition. Shortly, it will be the object of an all-out attack by Gog


    w01 8/15 p. 7 Making Your Youth a Success ***

    A heavenly government will shortly take over the rulership of human affairs, and subjects will enjoy "the abundance of peace" everywhere.


    w01 1/15 p. 12 Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed ***

    Unquestionably, this confirms that Jehovah is speeding up the ingathering of true worshipers before the outbreak of the "great tribulation," now so near at hand.


    w01 7/15 p. 11 Be Joyful Harvest Workers ***

    Because among the blessings of Kingdom rule is the imminent end of the present wicked system

    *** w00 1/15 p. 7 God?s Prophetic Word Gives Hope for the Future ***

    The final one, yet to be fulfilled, applies to the imminent destruction of all wicked humans.

    *** w91 8/15 p. 27 Jehovah?"A Manly Person of War" ***

    Looming on the horizon is a battle that will take place "in the final part of the years." According to Ezekiel?s prophecy, Gog, a symbol of "the ruler of this world," Satan the Devil, will mobilize an international attack force. He will direct his troops to invade the figurative "mountains of Israel," that is, the elevated spiritual estate of the Christian "Israel of God.

    *** w84 7/15 Build Your Future With Jehovah?s Organization ***

    With the "great tribulation" looming right before us, what should be our principal concern?

    *** g95 6/22 p. 13 Keep Ready for a Bright Future ***

    Commenting on one gathering at a large stadium, the London Sunday Telegraph reported: "There is none of the gloom traditionally associated with those who declare that ?The End Is Nigh.? Nigh it may be. In the meantime everyone seems to be enjoying himself in a sober, upright, Godly but cheerful manner."

    *** w01 1/1 p. 30 "Run in Such a Way" ***

    What a tragedy that would be, seeing that we are so close to the finish line!

    *** w01 1/15 p. 27 Doers of God?s Word Find Happiness ***

    For some, fleshly desires crowd out spiritual goals even now, close to our entry into the new system.

    *** w01 2/1 p. 7 Finding Security in a Risk-Filled World ***

    True wisdom will soon ?preserve alive its owners? in an unprecedented way?protection through the fast-approaching "great tribulation," when God destroys the wicked

    *** w99 10/1 pp. 7-8 "For Everything There Is an Appointed Time" ***

    Our survival of that fast-approaching great tribulation depends upon our recognizing that today is primarily a time to weep.

    *** w99 7/15 p. 7 Why You Can Trust Bible Prophecy ***

    What do you think is needed in order to avoid the impending destruction of the wicked, including those who scoff at the Bible?s prophecies?

    *** w01 1/15 p. 12 Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed ***

    Unquestionably, this confirms that Jehovah is speeding up the ingathering of true worshipers before the outbreak of the "great tribulation," now so near at hand.

    *** w01 10/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    Realizing that the fulfillment of God?s promise to bring about a paradise earth under his righteous Kingdom is near at hand, we too should rest from our own works and do our utmost to enter into that rest

    *** w97 8/15 p. 15 Living for Today or for an Eternal Future? ***

    Most of those professing to be of the anointed are quite elderly. Again, would this not indicate that the end is close at hand?

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