Also got me bloody well thinking...

by dustyb 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    I was just sittin here, readin my girlfriends letter (she's a JW) and she says she is so confused over the truth in a lot of things (including religion). And it made me think about my elders study. He was talking with me and brought up two mighty fine points that go strictly against the WT Society

    1) The FDS and GB are merely just men that read the bible. They do not in any way, shape or form talk to Jesus Christ or God. SO, how does communication exist when you can't talk to someone?? reading the bible doesn't count because books are for groups as whole and not for individuals to interpret and tell other individuals that they can't interpret it (i don't know if that makes sense). So he pretty much shot down his FDS and GB members, because being "Gods sole communicaton" has to have some sort of, "hi, how are ya, how's it hangin?" or somethin like that where ideas or words or jibberish are exchanged.

    2) He read scriptures to me that the reason why men have so many problems is because men can't rule men and make rules up for men to abide by. kind of falls under arguement 1. Why the hell doesn't people listen to this advice, i don't know. but it is funny how an elder can sit here and tell me these things with a straight face, then tell me to listen to what the Watchtower has to offer me and sit here and tell me to obey the rules that are made by the Society and the GB.

    I find it fascinating!! I am pre-law and I've never heard of anybody admitting anything like this before. What the elder admits is like a congressman from your state going up to a normal citizen and telling them that, "George Dubya is a smart man." (hehehehe) So whatever, that doesn't make me wanna look too highly up to them, since elders are appointed by elders, PO's are appointed by other PO's and such......completely not under god's control, more like a democracy.

    Oh, and i'm watching Full Metal Jacket, so i have to quote this. "I want that head so clean that the Virgin Mary herself would be proud to go take a dump in there!"

  • shamus

    It is like a democracy in many, many ways.

    You need to climb the corporate ladder.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Well dusty, coincidences, coincidences...

    We watched the same 1970's movie within 12 hours of each other - Full Metal Jacket (my Mrs was puzzled about the arse rooting 'without the curtosy of a reach-around' :-) had to stimulate simulate); we have an amazingly similar thread title for consecutive posts :-), and are both starting to study law... I start the 3 year graduate course in Feb.

    Well, well well.. :-)


    PS: Elder sounds like a reasonable guy, better watch out - he'll be DF'd...

  • Satanus
    The FDS and GB are merely just men that read the bible. They do not in any way, shape or form talk to Jesus Christ or God.

    I guess that there wouldn't be much point for the average jw to pray, then, would there? I mean, if the big cheeses, supposedly appointed w the job of giving out spiritual food at the proper time don't get a hearing ear, who would?

    I'm not sure that the wt corporation is democratic. True, it is run as a corporation, but the voluntary employees get no say/votes in any decisions. All is delegated from the top down, never from the bottom. That would make it a capitalistic, corporatist dictatorship.


  • Purple

    When you are studying your degree you may get a chance to study sociology - the study of society. You may find it very interesting as it looks at why societies do what they do and possible reasons for it. Its like another way of looking at things but sure as heck opened my eyes to many things.. Especially the sociology of knowledge...why do we beolieve the things we do and how things are portrayed and such. It will enrich your understanding of the world around us and how we relate to it.

    If you also read a lot of Marx and other like him you will find surprising similarities in the thinking of communisim and the society...for the good of all but actually strictly controling and such!

    Good luck with your study and your searching. I myself have applied to do some post graduate study and will find out next Monday if I have been successful!

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