Saturday Study with an elder

by dustyb 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    well, i went through the study with the elder. all i have to say is wow. There was a lot of points that i did believe, but then we went into the discussion of the FDS. he said that the FDS were just imperfect men that interpreted the bible. Now how in hell (doesn't matter if it exists or not) can the FDS call themselves "gods sole channel of communication" if they don't have contact with god or lord jesus? The second thing was being ruled by men. He brought up the point that man has been around for 6000 years and hasn't been able to rule itself. So....we have a Governing Body of elders that makes and interprets rules from the bible claiming that they are the organization that jesus chose....yet they can't talk to them. eh....what you think??

    I get the pleasure tomorrow to study prophecy with an elder tomorrow. so you know what i'm going to have to bring up...mwhahahaha

  • dustyb

    oh, and i also brought up the point of what they think "works" are. I had him squirming because i was quoting James 2:15-17 and Luke 8 and everything else that says the work of god is to believe the one he sent forth (luke 8) and that in James the works that he was speaking of was the favoring of social status. he really didn't know what to say and he even agreed with me. isn't that wierd....the teacher has become the student =P

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    he said that the FDS were just imperfect men that interpreted the bible.

    ...and you are required to inhale deeply and believe with all your heart every brain-fart they utter as absolute truth.

    Man, you could really "push back" a little with this if you wanted to be contentious -

    "You mean they're just imperfect men like you are, Brother Elder? ...they're just imperfect men like I am, Brother Elder? Then why should I be required to believe every single thing they say? What is so bad about "runnig ahead" (or "lagging behind") the organization, if the teachings are simply the teachings of imperfect men?"

    WATCHTOWER, April 1, 1986, pages 30 & 31, "Questions From Readers"

    "Approved association with Jehovah's Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah's Witnesses...

  • Azalo

    back in the day when I decided to give the study with the elder thing a go I too brought up many points that I found puzzling about the org, of course these were just my own observations and I didnt have a source like this one to back me up but he complained to my sister that he thought i had just agreed to the study to be argumentative with him and if i wasn't going to take it seriously then he didnt want to continue, so i stopped because i did like the guy and i moved away so that was the end of my study. i wish i had more concrete questions to ask him back then, oh well.

  • dustyb

    well i am serious about studying with the elders and i expect answers. because if they can swear that they alone have the truth, then why is everyone else leaving????? the answer is obvious, they are an abomination of the catholic church.

  • jgnat

    Welcome, dustyb, and here's hoping for many productive and insightful meetings in the future. By catholic church, I assume you mean the universal church, or relating to the ancient undivided Christian church .

  • mouthy

    Dusty Now I understand I didnt when we were on chat. Your doing fine lass keep on keeping on- but remember they have a spirit of deception even the elite MIGHT if possible be mislead so beware of the wolf in sheeps clothing (((HUG

  • dustyb

    WOW, i just found out that the elder misquoted a scripture because i didn't have my bible!!!!! He misquoted James 2:15-17 and i didn't even realize it, geez i'm such a stupid dub....

  • mouthy

    Your NOT stupid----Your out so you have become wise

  • Gopher

    So did you have the "prophecy" discussion yet??? How did it go?

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