Last minute repentance

by inbetween 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EasyPrompt
    "Maybe the WT leadership is worried..."

    WT leadership is worried about losing $$$$$🤑🤑🤑. They don't care about the people - it's their wallets they care about, just like Judas. "This could have been sold and given to the poor..." yeah, right, Judas/FD$. The WT leadership just wants it ($$$) in their pockets.

    "During the centuries that followed from the first century different churches appeared and more and more have appeared. And they exist today. Are their members either "weeds" or "wheat" from Jesus' illustration?

    Then there are Muslims, Hindus, Buddists, were do they fit in?

    And the fact is that they even in a far lesser dergee are interested in the good news about Jesus."

    God is patient. He is holding the door open to everyone. He knows there are people who haven't had a chance to learn about Jesus. There is a reason the 1000 year reign is a thousand years. It's going to take time. He's not going to kill people just because they were born in a different nation or at a different time. He is reasonable.

    The wheat and the weeds illustration was an illustration for Christians about the hypocrisy and apostasy that would happen within the Christian congregation. That God is patient and loves people from all different backgrounds and religions is apparent from the fact that He provides sun and rain for everyone every single day.

    Eventually everyone will know that He is Jehovah, but in the meantime He's not going to slaughter people just because some dumb guys who claim to represent him (any of the clergy of Christendom) tell lies about Him.

    God is Love. He is forgiving and kind. He is patient, and he is holding the door open for everyone to have a chance, even after Armageddon.

    The great tribulation is to remove the religious institutions and the governments. It is the time to tear down. The thousand year reign is to teach the people about Jehovah. It is the time to build up.

    The ransom blood of the Christ is enough to cover the people for the sins they committed in their ignorance.

    John 10:10

    "The thief does not come unless it is to steal and slay and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance."

    The WTBT$ are like thieves. They teach what they know. They teach destruction, because they know destruction. The disfellowshipping doctrine is evidence of that. The CSA issues are evidence of that. Their false teachings that reproach Jehovah are evidence of that.

    Jesus taught the truth about God. He came to save what was lost. The door is open.

    "All things are possible with God."

    Jehovah was best friends with Abraham way before the Christ came. Jehovah is best friends with a lot of people who don't even know His name yet, but they know some things about Him. Muslims, believers in the Hindu religion, Buddhists, atheists, whatever...He can overlook their sins because of the ransom, with the knowledge that they will repent later. Jehovah's love will win over the hearts of many of them in time, because it is higher than we can imagine.

  • Rattigan350

    "Repentance after start of GT still possible?"

    Repentance from what? Being in another religion?

    Is that something to repent from?

  • Rattigan350

    "Jesus forgave the criminal next to him on the other torture stake at the last minute."

    Did he forgive him? What was there for him to be forgiven from?

    He was a human born in sin, just because he was a thief did not make him any different than any other human that broke the 10 commandments.

    Jesus said the guy would be resurrected in the kingdom, not because of any forgiveness, but because that was just what the plan was.

  • EasyPrompt

    If you love someone and you find out you hurt them, you ask for their forgiveness.

    Every person who is imperfect has something to repent about, because we hurt people without even trying. And we hurt God too sometimes, even if we don't mean to.

    It's not bad to say sorry. The guy on the torture stake next to Jesus had been really mean. He made fun of Jesus even though Jesus never did anything bad. When he realized what a jerk he'd been, that man apologized.

    There are a lot of people who have been really mean to God, even though he's never done anything bad. Some religious people tell lies about God. Some nonreligious people say horrid things about God. He will forgive those people when they apologize if they really mean it in their hearts. It's not because of "the plan" - it's because that's what good Dad's do.

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