my sister asked for help..haahaha

by the mole 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jesika

    Hey mole...........good to see you around again.

    LOL@shotgun's responce.

    As far as your sis goes...........well, she could have over looked the mistake.....then could be she didn't want to call you.

    I guess you know your sister well enough to know if she is being sincere or not. If you are not sure I would go with my first instinct.....since they are usually right.



  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D


    welcome back.

    I'd say that you can never go wrong by helping out family.

    Hopefully down the road if she is looking to get out of the cult, she'll remember you being kind to her, a true identifying mark of a christian, something the dubs can't emulate


    great answer you smart-arse

  • Sassy

    I agree with Winston. You can't go wrong helping family. You never know too what 'seeds' you plant by being kind either.. she might remember later even if she doesn't do anything with you for a while again .

  • codeblue

    I agree: unconditional love is the greatest way to win somebody over. She will never forget it...


  • garybuss

    My JW cousin snubbed me at the only circuit assembly I ever went to after I grew a beard and then the next year he called me for directions how to install a Corian counter top because he knew I was a certified fabricator. I gave him the directions he wanted. That was 1993. I have never heard from him since. GaryB

  • 95stormfront
    she might remember later even if she doesn't do anything with you for a while again .
    I gave him the directions he wanted. That was 1993. I have never heard from him since.

    The flip side of that is that they may be taking yet another page from their minions in WT-land; that is, since you're worldly soon to be destroyed soon....very soon...anyway, why not take any advantage they can from you if it'll benefit and help them stay loyal to the organization.

    Who wants to knowingly be used this way?

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