Do meetings help Depression?

by Gadget 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget

    I read this on another thread:

    When I asked if they knew my son had clinical depression, they said, well, even he says he feels better when he studies and goes to meetings, and shrugged their shoulders.)

    I've been told this by my ex too, that when she attends meetings it makes her feel better. Anybody else noticed this? Why is it? And ho can you get round it?

  • shotgun

    Maybe it's the feeling of belonging to something or being part of something. Especially if you truly believe it's pleasing God in the process.

  • LittleToe

    It's conditioned behaviour.

    Some get the same effect regularly attending the pub

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Good point guys! But it could also be that the person still feels it's the *truth*. They don't feel guilty if they've attended a meeting. When I *finally* realized that it wasn't the *truth*, the desire of going back left. Now I feel that if there were a burning hell, it would be better than going back to the meetings.

  • wednesday

    most likely group support or just geting out of the house. Persons with depression at times isolate themselves so just getting out helps. Any support group could surfice. Some of us find some help in reading scripture and prayer, others therapy helps or a combo.

  • micheal

    I have to admit, when I saw the title of this thread I honestly laughed my head off. Do meetings help depression? Does critisicm of everything you have ever done for the last 20 years help depression?

    They don't feel guilty if they've attended a meeting.

    This makes alot of sense. That's why no one really looks forward to going to the meetings but they sure feel better after they went.

  • Elsewhere

    Yes, meetings DO help depression... in fact, they were very effective at helping my depression get far worst!

  • IronGland

    Probably in the sense that having a piano dropped on your head makes you forget your sore toe.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Yes, meetings DO help depression... in fact, they were very effective at helping my depression get far worst!


    Damn you Else! You beat me to my own smart-ass comment

    IMHO, I would think it could alliviate a level of depression for any indoctinated R&F JW who is going through depression because,

    1. Like others have said, they are getting out of the house and seeing people

    2. They are keeping up on their 'payment' of thier obligation to attend meetings. fall behind in that, and you feel worse about yourself.

    When my wife had mild depression, she USUALLY felt better after a meeting if she spent some time to mingle with others.

    When she was going through heavy depression, the meetings just made her worse. Seeing people 'happy' made her feel like something waas wrong with her.

    On a lesser level, when I was fully buying that it was the 'Truth', usually when i felt like skipping a meeting but went anyways, I felt better for going. Same with service.

    I atttribute it to that I was doing what I thought I should be doing. By not doing the deeds, afterwards I would feel guilty for not doing the meeting thing.

    Once I started to take breaks here and there about a year ago, I finally realized how much inner happiness i felt by just staying home and reading the paper or doing my own harmless thing instead of dragging my butt in FS or to a meeting.



    Meetings ADD to depression ... and the depression occurs from the elders saying repeatedly, "You aren't doing enough!" ... " Do More!" ... "MORE!!!"


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