Give All The Ways JWs Are Different From The "World" aka "Normal People"

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    And if someone says, "Now I know they're in heaven", a JW feels they should straighten them out by saying "Nooooo. They're only sleeping and HOPEFULLY they'll have the HOPE of a ressurection"..........Another thing that JWs do is use codewords. Words----such as----"in service" "in the Truth", "WORLDLY", "unbelievers", "The system of things".........What the hell are these things supposed to mean to normal folk??

  • drawcad_1

    Their idea that they are known to the rest of the world by their abstaining from blood, refusal to say the pledge of allegiance, and not celebrating the holidays. When in reality they are only known for peddling worthless magazines at the door. Their belief that the only morally clean people in the world are their own spiritual brothers and sisters, and the rest of the world is deep into drugs, sex and rock and roll (nothing wrong with that). Their thinking that they are the only religion that thinks this way about themselves.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Its bad enough if someone has to knock on doors to sell things for a living, a meager living at that! But JW's knock on peoples doors for NOTHING! That sucks!

    And the fanstastic ability they have to know who's going to get resurrected and who's not. I remember when my Grandmother passed away, my parents actually believed she would get resurrected in the paradise. However I far as I can remember my Grandmother attended the catholic church two times a week almost till the day she passed away! She rejected the JW's but my parents still believed she would be resurrected because "she had good intentions" attending the Catholic church.

  • minimus

    Funny thing about the ressurection......if you die (which everyone will) before the Big A----then you'll get a ressurection (unless you are deemed apostate). But because "it" will happen any day now, you MUST get baptized to get the "mark of salvation".

  • simplesally

    When a person sneezes, JW's won't say "Bless you" ..... the 'worldly' person sometimes just looks at them because their sneeze was seemingly ignored.

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