I went to a gay bar ...

by acsot 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot

    for New Year's Eve! Actually a restaurant in the Gay Village here in town, with my brother and his partner of 20 years (!) (they put most heteros to shame). Let me tell you, they are so happy I'm "out". No, I'm straight, but "out" of the WTS. I was super-dub Miss Prissy-Pooh-Pooh so I don't think my brother ever imagined he'd see the day when his overly righteous sister would step over the threshold of any place gay.

    And guess what????? It was kind of boring! I mean, the supper was absolutely delicious, I had pork with cranberry and melted brie, it was divine. Before the meal I had a cosmopolitan, then we had wine with the meal. When the clock struck midnight everyone toasted (another evil sin deserving of death ), and....

    that was about it. No drunks staggering around, no dancing naked on the tables, no orgies - not really very much of anything. Cripes, and here I thought all worldly people were degenerate misfits raping and pillaging everyone and everything in their way. Oh no wait, that's what the WTS says.

    But one thing I gotta say is, some of those gay fellows are mighty cute! What a waste - so many men, so little opportunity .

    Happy New Year everyone!

  • blondie

    Ascot, if you ever come here, I know a gay bar that is quite lively, good music and dancing.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Would you have gone to a lesbian bar??? That's a test for a straight woman.

    I took my finace to a halloween bash in San Francisco at the Moscone. He's a nice looking man and he was very very nervous about how they would treat him, especially since I had him dress up as a drag queen.

    He was also fairly homophobic before he went. Sure he got his butt pinched a few times at the party but he expected much worse and it was halloween . Since then he has met a couple of gay men that are friends of mine. He asked one today if he thought he'd be able to fly out to maui for our wedding. Things change once you actually meet gay people instead of reading about them don't they?

  • acsot

    Stacy: Actually, to my naive, recently-out-of-the-Watchtower mind, a "gay" bar meant men and women, gays and lesbians. I didn't think they'd be "segregated" each to their own restaurant/bar/wherever! So I guess the answer to your question would be yes, since that's where I thought I was going. I would have enjoyed seeing more drag queens - a couple passed by on the street and waved to everyone, would have made the evening more interesting!

  • Aztec
    Things change once you actually meet gay people instead of reading about them don't they?

    Yes, Stacy, I think they do. I was never actually homophobic even as a Witness but, once you get to know people who are homosexual your perspective is entirely altered.

    Ascot, I went to a gay bar for the first time last year. Yeah, it was kind of dull for anyone who thought "Queer As Folk" was an accurate representation of the gay lifestyle. I enjoyed myself because I got to drink beer and play pool with a really great guy. I didn't find it that much differant than most bars.


  • Jesika

    Hey Ascot!!!!!!!! (love you, and so glad to see you are venturing out of your norm)

    I used to have a gay girlfriend (as in she was gay and my friend) and she used to take me to gay bars with her ALL the time. We went to both male and female gay bars.

    I used to have a blast........but the one thing that stuck out in my mind most was they ( I dont mean any offence by that word..."they") don't judge ANYONE.

    I loved being around ppl who were just ppl. Straight or gay...as long as you didn't pass judgement....they don't either. (my experience)

    So.......live it up girly and enjoy your new found freedom!!!!!!!! I love you!!!


  • acsot

    Thanks Jes! Ain't freedom great! luv ya!

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    It's fun to watch the stereotyping leave when dubs leave the borg. My lurker friend on this site told me that she just figured as a bisexual I would be hitting on her all the time and try to get her involved with group sex. Silly girl. Doesn't work like that. Another thought she had was that now that I'm engaged she thought I'd still be having sex with women, as though that would be ok. A commitment is a commitment in my mind. I'll be having sex with only Michael from here on out. She found it a little hard to understand but she's learning.

    A couple of Michaels buddies thought it was really hot to date a bisexual because I'd be bringing all my girlfriends into bed with us. Again we aren't all the same in that area anymore that all straights are the same. Some do, some don't. Actually Mike's mom even asked me if I were going to be doing that. She's a nice lady and I assured her I wouldn't share him with anyone. He's too special.

    There are gay/lesbian parties that both sexes attend. They can really be a blast and many straight people attend them too. Queer as Folks isn't reality. Some gays and lesbians are way oversexed and will sleep around with nearly anyone but, the same can be said for straights.

    The two gay men I'm close friends with have lived together for 12 years now and have been in a commited relationship from day one. They also make the most homophobic of people feel very comfortable, just nice guys. Both are very masculine and you honestly need highly tuned gaydar to detect them

    Using the word "they" isn't offensive. At least not to me. They are a group and if gays referred to straights as "they" it wouldn't insult a straight.

    I'm gone for the day everyone and will return this evening maybe. I have a brandnew road bike that Michael bought me for Christmas. It is an easy racer recumbent and as fast as you can imagine. My legs and lungs are a little out of shape from the vacation but I hope to get 100 miles in today. I can't wait. Seeya later.

  • Gadget
    that was about it. No drunks staggering around, no dancing naked on the tables, no orgies - not really very much of anything. Cripes, and here I thought all worldly people were degenerate misfits raping and pillaging everyone and everything in their way.

    I'm stopping at my brothers house in London and he's taking me to a gay club tonight(He's gay). If its anything like his party last September thats the sort of thing that WILL be going on there......

  • stillajwexelder

    Never been to a Gay bar -- I have no problems or hang-ups -- just never done it -- have been to a Transexual Bar though -- very interesting to say the least -- seeing - people with adams apples but a large pair of tits -- quite fun really

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