so WHAT ?

by frenchbabyface 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface

    I'd like to know what are the things that interesting you in life ... (out of love and help for familly and others) I means the little things that brigten your day/days and things that you are passionnate about (sport / handicraft / entertainements / specific or ordinary jobs / researches / tourism / collection / photograph / mechanic / engeering / woodwork / ironwork / ... whatever) or a few special story (ies) that you would like to share related to something like that (I mean maybe something that you didn't have to occasion to do twice but really enjoyed ... like a trip or anything else).

    I know some have many and some are only passionnate about a few things ... (I even would like to know why ? if you feel like to tell us)

    (you may forget some things and come back to add them when it comes to your mind)
    Thanks in advance for sharing ...

  • Englishman


    All my household are passionate about football and rugby. Number 3 son plays soccer for several teams and shows great talent. We watch football - soccer to the less initiated on the telly quite a lot. This afternoon, our team Portsmouth (nicknamed Pompey) are playing away to Chelsea who are formidably good. We will watch the results as they happen and there will likely be much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.


  • Vivamus

    My moment of bliss each morning ... was to wake up, make coffee, get behind my computer with crossed legs (lotus-style) and smoke three perfect ciggies, while sipping a great coffee.

    But, since ya all know I just had to be stupid and quit smoking ... I don't really have a perfect moment anymore. I'll have to start thinking of one....


    Blue bubblegum Girl

  • Mac

    I love both read and write. I love to do portraits......sketched and painted. I like to I a girlie man?!!

    I enjoy fishing and watching films......I love to read (mostly non-fiction)....and i love to work out and follow it with a sauna. I like talking to special friends in the middle of the night and I like talk radio.

    I enjoy camping and I enjoy silence....I enjoy my own company as well...........

    hmmmmmmmmmmmm....need to think some more.....oh, and I like winsome Irish girls..Maureen O'Hara comes to!


  • frenchbabyface

    Englishman :

    All The Familly ... that's nice sport weekend or evening enjoyement together !!!

    I've been traped myself by the rubgy (could have been by soccer but here in france they bothered us too much since we won whatever LOL), now the reason why I've been interested in rugby is because I've got a friend involved in it ... so we HAD TO WATCH (LOL) I did ... and what I've seen was quiet interesting : pure body specimen without any armor, using their human force and strategy to win. what I most like is when they threw themselve on the ground (don't ask me why) ... and so much nice butts ! Now off course as FEMALE (LOL) I'm very attracted by the ALL BLACKS and you probably know why ! kinda WILD Y'A KNOW !!!

    (((Viv))) :

    hum viv I understand ... you are too focused on the smoking stuff ... wait ... follow this tread maybe you'll get some ideas to forget about it, that is what I'm sort of looking for ...

    Mac :

    it seems that you enjoy a lot of stuff, girly man !

    Drawing is quiet intersting, it happen to me once in a while, I just feel like to do it (but I can't paint I don't know it just doesn't work with me it's ugly !)

    But I must say that fishing have my favor ... I don't fish myself, but I just like be there, enjoying the moments and the sounds of nature ... I miss that !

    Of course the talks with friend got me in ... unless as my lone personality require, I need a break

    I enjoy camping too : but it's all about where

  • Mutz

    I am interested in Astronomy (I am in the middle of drawing up plans to make a telescope).
    Reading is something I have loved to do since I was old enough to do it.
    Fishing. When I was a young lad I lived for fishing. My brother is a serious fishing addict.
    Up until a few years ago (when I hurt my back) I used to enjoy cycling. I'd cycle about 100km a week. Now I am saving my pennies to get one of these . They are much easier on the back (and bum!).
    The list could go on and on, these are just a few of the things I enjoy. :)

  • frenchbabyface

    I'm listening Bob Marley right now ... hum (his chorus-singers really take places quiet well on his music) I guess that Steeve wonder his following :

    are they any musician here ?

  • Mutz

    Are you singing along too.......can we listen???? :)

  • frenchbabyface

    Mutz :

    Astronomy ... hum ... never get into it myself for real ... but always been amazed people who could tell ... this is this and this is that ... I mean what I know about this can be resumed by (earth / sun / moon other than that Oooops I have to read again for culture and updates) ... Good to know I may have some questions for you !!!

    Don't know if I really understood are you saying that you are drawing plans to building yourself a telescope !!! (if it is) you got me in right now TELL ME MORE ABOUT !!! I guess it is a real passion ? who got you in it ... why ?

  • frenchbabyface

    Mutz sorry I can't share but I can tell I'm Listening : "Superstition", and "You haven't done nothing" is following ... awwwwwwwww !!!

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