So, what's stopping you from going to the hall?

by JH 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    Its not the truth and I'm not wasting my life on lies.

  • blondie

    My intelligence.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I feel sick just thinking about sitting though one of those long-winded, boring, meeings. I feel even sicker to sit though a Watchtower Study with the Dubs answering word for word from the paragraphs; no room for free thought at all.

  • WhyNow2000

    My feet.

  • Aztec
    My feet

    That was funny!

    I agree with Jesika. My son matters too much to me to let him be raised in the borg. I actually love my child so I don't want his mind warped.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    So what's stopping you from going to the hall?

    • my front door
    • my car refuses to enter the parking lot
    • my husband has threatened to divorce me if I go
    • my kids have threatened to disown me if I go (seems one mindless parent is enough for them)
    • I would have to start talking to my mother again
    • I sleep better in my bed
    • I have to wash my hair
    • whenever I think of it I feel sick
    • well last time I went people seemed a tad upset at all the silent lamb cards I left in the washroom
    • I hate sitting in the back row
    • you won't let me wear my sign that says "I am apostate and loving it. Want to to know why?"
    • or "I am DFed and refuse to sit in the back"

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