Christmas Day/Arizona Another KH is torched

by blondie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    Gerard--- Perhaps you are unaware of the events taking place in the old russian republic of Georgia . The WT has been saying for the longest time how they are continually persecuted by other religions . You can ask any religion in the world what they think about the jehovahs witnesses and the word cult always comes up. They even claim that the catholic church resorted to mafia style tactics in terrorizing the early church here in america. You only have to read some of their literature .

  • orangefatcat

    I don't like fires of any kind, but as a kid growing up I was a fire bug. I never torched a building either. I was never caught, I just think I did it for the adrenline surge.

    someone mentioned that the brother called each other "the friends', well there is a reason for this. Apparently it was on account of in the early years it was a form of identifying one another as a JW. During times in Canada, when the work of JW was banned and they were persecuted, that is how witnesses callled each other so that the police wouldn't know you were a JW. This is what my grandfather and grandma told me.

    Now about that comment the bro. made about it being "a sign of the times." yes that makes me angry very angry!!

    I suppose the bombing and the airplane going through the World "s Trading Centre was just a, "sign of the times.". Thats why Bethel locked its door".

    I am glad no one was injured but then do they care when others suffer a similar demise. My youngest sister use t o say when we drove by a church, ooh look babylon the great, jehovah destroying them at armeggadon. (she was all of 2yrs old) they are bad and wicked.

    I use to think to myself that, it's not a healthy way to teach a young impressionable child's mind.


  • JH

    Now they will feel persecuted, which will strenghten their faith. The best way to hurt them is to ignore them completely. Arson is criminal.

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