Letter Detailing My Latest JW Encounter

by Roger Kirkpatrick 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Roger Kirkpatrick
    Roger Kirkpatrick

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I am writing this letter in the hope of reconnecting with two Jehovah’s Witness elders whom I met at a literature display in downtown New Braunfels, across the street from Krause’s. I explained to them that my daughter is a Jehovah’s Witness and, therefore, I am somewhat familiar with their beliefs. I had received in the mail a letter from the Kingdom Hall, and I asked the two men to clarify the letter’s claim that only 144,000 Christians would go to heaven to reign with Christ.

    I had my daughter’s copy of the book, Insight On the Scriptures, Vol. 2, as well as a copy of the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures. I first turned to the subject of ‘sanctuary’ in the first book, pointing out the definition, “a divine habitation.”

    Next, I turned to Luke 1: 9, 21 in the Interlinear, concerning the Levite priest, Zechariah, offering a sacrifice in the temple sanctuary. I directed their attention to the literal meaning of the Greek word rendered there as ‘sanctuary,’ that being “divine habitation.”

    Next, I turned to Revelation 7:15 in the Interlinear, which discusses the symbolic great crowd worshiping God day and night, but Watchtower renders the same Greek word there as ‘temple.’ I directed their attention to the literal meaning of the same Greek word that is used in Luke 1: 9, 21, that being “divine habitation.” Clearly, the great crowd is in the temple sanctuary.

    At that point, I asked the two men, “What is signified by serving in the divine habitation, or the sanctuary?” They asked me what I believed, but I referred them to Watchtower’s answer in the Insight book under the subject of ‘temple,’ the third paragraph under the subheading “Jehovah’s Great Spiritual Temple.” There it states: “The Holy (divine habitation) represents their condition as spirit-begotten sons of God, with heavenly life in view, and they will attain to that heavenly reward when their fleshly bodies are laid aside in death.​”

    I summed up my point by saying, “So according to the Bible, and to Watchtower publications, the symbolic great crowd is made up of Christians who are spirit anointed with heavenly life in view.” I told them that, prior to 1935, Watchtower taught that all Christians were spirit anointed with heavenly life in view. I asked them who introduced the concept of two classes of Christians having separate hopes, when Ephesians 4:4 says that all Christians are called to “one hope?”

    They said they would have to do some research, and they promised to call at my home. They took note of my address, but I have never heard back from them.

  • rickroll

    You are not the droids they are looking for.

  • Jerome56

    And you never will!

  • Biahi

    I visited New Braunfels, I loved it, wanted to move there. Those JWs will never contact you. That’s what they do, take your name and number, say they will ‘research’ and get back to you, but they never do.

  • blondie

    Yes, they will not consider you a "right-hearted" person, so won't waste their time on you. You will just be the dust they shake off their feet.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    They said they would have to do some research, and they promised to call at my home. They took note of my address, but I have never heard back from them.

    After that conversation, they are probably no longer Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    I asked them who introduced the concept of two classes of Christians having separate hopes, when Ephesians 4:4 says that all Christians are called to “one hope?”
    They said they would have to do some research

    Once you get a JW to admit that the Watchtower has added a hope (or gospel) that was unknown or not taught by the apostles, then you can read to them Galatians 1: 8 and ask them if this verse concerns or alarms them at all.

    " though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. " - Galatians 1:8

    Ask them, "you don't really want to be cursed by God do you"?

    This verse destroys the false Watchtower teaching of "new light."

  • punkofnice

    Kingdom Hall sold.

    All praise the GovBod (Piss be unto them).

  • blondie

    Wonderful point, Sea Breeze; short, clear, to the point, using sincere questions not statements!

    When I was a jw, that would have been an aha moment for me to have those dots connected.

    I asked them who introduced the concept of two classes of Christians having separate hopes, when Ephesians 4:4 says that all Christians are called to “one hope?”
    They said they would have to do some research

    Once you get a JW to admit that the Watchtower has added a hope (or gospel) that was unknown or not taught by the apostles, then you can read to them Galatians 1: 8 and ask them if this verse concerns or alarms them at all.

    " though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. " - Galatians 1:8

    Ask them, "you don't really want to be cursed by God do you"?

    This verse destroys the false Watchtower teaching of "new light."

  • Giordano

    Rodger as a fellow drummer I know we can work four different beats with our two legs and two hands. We can also sing if needed all at the same time. A JW has only one beat unless they have a few minor doubts.

    The JW mind set is what the conductor (The Society) wants to hear. They have their Play list and how they play it.

    So you jump in and make your point to these trolley JWs and you still don't get it. It isn't that your wrong it's that they don't hear you or simply don't want to hear you.

    They have their own band and are not interested in what you have to say even if your right because your not in their band. And if you were in their band and started with your personal bullshit......... that wouldn't be well received either.

    Right is what they believe...... wrong is what you have to say cause they are not interested in your music or your opinions.

    Stop wasting your time trying to reconvert the converted. There are people trying to break out of the JW world on this and other forums.....try helping them...they are willing to listen.

    It only works with people who have questioned their religious beliefs......who have found out some troubling things.....been disrespected. Have cause for what their religion has done to them.

    The ones sitting by the Trolley are content.

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