Watchtower Defeat Without Open Rebellion!

by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    To most people, the thought of bringing down an empire usually involves the brave

    revolt of enlightened masses against tyranny. While this notion carries a certain charm,

    (with Theocratic malefactors being lynched by an angry mob) the reality is often different.

    Organizations can fall apart with little or no open rebellion.

    Or in other words, you may not need any uprising of Witness publishers to bring down

    the Watchtower.

    Take a good look at the silent rebellion of publishers that the Society has to deal


    sagging meeting attendance

    Witness kids lying and leading a 'double life' - until they get free of parents

    low contributions

    fake publishers and fake hours

    elders - who have the position but do nothing ( where are they on weekends?)

    mood disorders, depression, migraines, multiple personality disorder, bizarre

    allergies and other strange illnesses too numerous to catalog - that explain

    why you never see Sister Chronic at any meeting .

    As a former elder, I can tell you that this last point is particularily damaging.

    While Brother Apostate will get DF'd with lightning speed for daring to express

    doubt about the "truth", you can bet that Sister Afflicted is proselytizing the latest

    form of debilitation under the elder's noses ( "you may have Candida/MPD/allergies")

    I've seen families wrecked by this - as emotionally ill people spend years with

    physical illnesses by refusing to listen to their bodies screaming at them that

    cult-life ISN'T HEALTHY.

    And what about Watchtower leaders?

    I'm reminded that the British , during World War 2 , stopped all assasination

    attempts on Hitler - because they felt he was effectively ruining the Nazi war


    Given that, I'm not sure if I want one or more wizened old Governing Body

    members to die off soon. If you give proper account to the cold-heartedness,

    lack of inspiration, and collective arrogance they cling to, you may find that

    they will become the greatest contributors to Watchtower defeat of any of us!

    Remember, Almighty God supports them! They cannot lose! Jehovah won't allow

    it to happen! ( Jer 7:4-7).

    The organization is vunerable in countless ways - to financial loss or decline,

    loss of key personnel thru legal action or lack of volunteers (Circuit Overseers

    are a legal liability connecting Headquarters to every idiot back-woods elder),

    or lack of confidentiality ( Gee, I wonder what the court would think of these

    documents......). This just scratches the surface. Imagine the possibilties!

    You don't need an open revolt of publishers when a silent one will do fine,

    in time.


  • minimus

    If the typical JW is unspirited, then the defeat that could come, wouldn't be through the publishers. It would be by their own hand. I tend to think that any real damage will come through the courts. If they start losing on this front then the inevitable will happen and the Society will HAVE to become more mainstream. If they know they'll be liable for something, automatically, "new light" will shine and something will become a "conscience matter."

  • willy_think

    Hi Metatron,

    the thing is that the org is not really about publishers, Elders, time sheets or attendance. the mental health of it's members is irrevealant. the WT is a money making enterprise, it will continue to exist as it is untill it needs to change to keep the cash flow up, then it will become something else. If the money dried up the Org would too.

    that's my two cents.

  • dh

    my cent says that they are probably one of the largest corporations in the US, certainly one of the largest printing/publishing corporations in the world with hands in heaven knows what else, not to mention the shipping and cargo companies they must own, but if you just add up the real estate they own (bethel's, kindom halls, assembly halls) worldwide, they soon become an enormous player, with both liquid cash and real estate, as well as facilities and infrastructure, with sub companies and 'charity' status which makes a lot of what they earn tax free, they can keep going for a very very very long time, contributions got them off the ground, now they must be worth billions, and remember that most of the halls and jw buildings run autonimously from local contributions, and i don't think they will drop enough so A N Elder's Congregation can't afford to pay the electricity or water bill.

    nah, they're not dying, if you take away the cult and look at them from a business, you gotta hand it to them, they've achieved the american dream, for a corporation so big, so what if they get into legal troubles, they can always buy into political parties (if they haven't already) in every country they exist in, they could buy into each party using a sub company (they have so many) and become completely subversive. rupert murdoch has a media giant, the society is a media giant, i think it's likely that bombs would be far more effective than anything else, it might give the jw's stronger faith, but it would sure shake the society, but chances are they already have a private army on standby just in case.

    just as a side note, how hard do you think it is to buy a judge and jury these days?

    anyways, in mind the society already have power and money a plenty, and even without any followers they're already in a position to have a whole lot of influence over whosoever they choose, they could even create an apostate forum just like this, to keep tabs on apostates, with so many society minds thinking for so long, surely they are miles out of the box already.

    ps: don't you think that since they have been going so long they haven't already second guessed our every move? they're like a government that has NEVER had a change in rulership, they are masters at what they do with over 100 years experience.

    if the devil was to choose a tool by which to work his magic, it would be the watchtower bible & tract society

    but you know you can't kill the devil and the devil doesn't die.

    take it easy,


  • Stephanus

    I guess people get tired of running everytime the dinner gong is sounded, only to find that the plate is still empty. The sheep need to feed...

  • dmouse
    ps: don't you think that since they have been going so long they haven't already second guessed our every move? they're like a government that has NEVER had a change in rulership, they are masters at what they do with over 100 years experience.

    I think they are too arrogant to consider us much of a threat. Of course they monitor what goes on here and on other JW discussion forums, that's why the magazines and assemblies have so many articles addressing what we say (sort of). Personally I don't believe money is the key motivator for the top brass - I think it is power. Power over the lives of millions of people who will ask 'how high' when told to jump. And the euphoric feeling of being regarded as living gods.

    I think they get a lot of 'new light' from the apostates themselves since the people at the top are either too old or too sychophantic to provide any fresh ideas.

    Apostates have become the guiding power behind changes in the organisation.

    Also, I think they have underestimated the biggest threat to their powerbase - the Internet. Sure, they put out warnings about it but most JWs ignore warnings they personally feel won't affect them. Many JWs feel that they are immune to what they percieve to be 'apostate lies' but suddenly find that a seed has been planted. That seed may take years to grow but grow it will, until suddenly an event happens in their life that shines a light onto what they are taught to believe and viola! Another ex-witness.

    The society feel that the Internet is just another tool used by apostates but IT IS MUCH MORE THAN THAT! Eventually human society will be unable to function without it, all information that people require will be sought there. And what will people find that seek out information on JWs? They will find a wealth of balanced argument destroying any idea that the JWs are God's chosen people.

    The power in the organisation is old, arrogant, unwilling to change and unable to perceive the power of the new threats rising against them. I agree with Metatron - the current leaders are their own worst enemy, the longer they stay in power the more people will see them for the whitewashed graves they are.

    Long live the GB!

  • stillajwexelder

    Since most of what Ray Franz discussed and predicted in his book has come true -- I am sure the "way out" for the society is one more of what Ray talked about. He suggested that more and more a christian should train his own conscience and have Christian Freedom -- so what may happen is that the GB will relinquish some control and let more and more matters be decided by the brothers and sisters so that they become a conscience issue. So married brothers and sisters will be allowed to decide for themselves what they do in their own bedroom and youngsters will be allowed to decide if they want to go to college. Even the blood issue wil be a matter of conscience -- this will free up the GB from legal challenges. Time will tell - as they say watch this space.

  • metatron

    I don't know about Ray's prediction - it seems that the GB isn't relinquishing any control as much as Witnesses

    are simply drifting away from their control. The old obsessions die hard - along with the greedy old men

    who retain them.

    On many areas, I can't tell what the "Society" thinks - like chronology ( still 6000 years? or not?)

    The blood issue is strange too. They're going backwards and forwards on it.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    DHANAH; makes some really good points. even if the wt is shut down as a religious org all together . they are into enough other stuff, to transform and continue i n other worldly areas . and continue to provide the good life with plenty of $$$$$$$$$$ for top wt officals. even if they have to move from brooklyn , to zambia to do it .... john

  • Sunnygal41


    I've seen families wrecked by this - as emotionally ill people spend years with

    physical illnesses by refusing to listen to their bodies screaming at them that

    cult-life ISN'T HEALTHY.

    I was sick with depression and allergies for YEARS while in the JDubs..........even had asthma for a while..........isn't it interesting that alot of the really bad episodes I suffered have gone bye bye since I got out five years ago? I can feel myself becoming healthier emotionally and physically every year that passes! Altho, lately, since I've become really really active on this board, I've been having these dream/nightmares about being back in with this thoroughly bad attitude, that soon becomes open revulsion and then I'm telling everyone of those WT geeks off and walking out the feels so good, it's got to be part of me healing.................


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