Silent elder at my door

by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    An elder and his wife were in my apartment building this morning. I live on the 3rd (top floor) and I heard someone walking up the stairway very slowly and silently. They arrived at my door and didn't knock and didn't ring. I knew someone was just outside the door. They either were at my door, or the door right next to mine(3 feet away) Usually I hear a person ring or knock, even if it's at the neighbors door, right next to mine. So I went out the back door, down the staircase and up the front staircase where they were, and I saw them at the neighbors door, 3 feet away from mine. They didn't knock nor ring at her place, because I asked her afterwards. Every door in that apartment building has a Christmas decoration on it, except mine. Last year they came a few days before Christmas day also. I guess that they wanted to spy on me somehow. When they saw me in the front staircase, they turned around and looked at me ill at ease so they said hello. They must have felt stupid standing there right next to my door and not knocking, just listening as if they were knocking at the neighbours door. I said a fast hello, just to be polite and turned around quickly when I saw that it was them and went back up the back staircase. They quietly left the building without knocking at any other door.

    They come only once a year in my apartment building, and always a few days before Christmas thinking they might find some kind of Christmas decoration at my door. I never decorate, I just play lotto, you stupid elders.

  • Gopher

    Evidently, Jehovah "forgot" to send his angels to help this nosey elder. Otherwise they'd have found you out and exposed you, you evil apostate!!

    Or Jehovah is on your side, frightening them away.

    Or Jehovah doesn't really care.

    Or whatever.

  • Mysterious

    How sad that they have nothing better to do than see if you decorated for Christmas. Just think of it as a victory that they still have to dwell on you even though you've moved on.

  • Blueblades

    What no,"We miss you,we love you! How could they not have said something to encourage you?No writing a not at home in their house to house record,no leaving a tract under the door.What's going on here,why are they even in service?

    Oh, I know to SPY on JH.That explains my questions.


  • Lapuce

    What a waste of time, nothing better to do then trying to spy on people, very typical of them.


  • Coop Man
    Coop Man

    They didn't knock on your door?! How lucky can you get! Hope you're just as lucky with the lottery tickets....

  • CountryGuy

    Next year you should put up a sign that says something along the lines of:

    HEY! I know you're only spying on me! But, you're just making a fool out of yourself. Oh and you're also freaking out the lady next door and she's dialing 911 right now!"

  • Dismembered

    Perhaps the reason they didn't knock, is, that they forgot to put on a pair of depends. They suck! Go away you fools.


  • Carmel

    Curious why you didn't confront them????? Seems all the speculation could be put to rest if you had simply asked if they were looking for someone or needed directions to the local Krispy Creme...


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    It's sad that behavior such as this is what defines this couple's life, if ``life" is what one can call it!

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