Girl Poem

by peaceloveharmony 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • peaceloveharmony

    Girl Poem

    I shave my legs,
    I sit down to pee.
    And I can justify any
    shopping spree.

    Don't go to a barber,
    but a beauty salon.
    I can get a massage
    without a hard-on.

    I can balance the checkbook,
    I can pump my own gas.
    Can talk to my friends
    about the size of my ass.

    My beauty's a masterpiece,
    and yes, it takes long.
    At least I can admit,
    to others when I'm wrong.

    I don't drive in circles,
    at any cost.
    And I don't have a problem
    admitting I'm lost.

    I never forget,
    an important date.
    You just gotta deal
    with it,I'm usually late.

    I don't watch movies,
    with lots of ! gore.
    Don't need instant replay
    to remember the score.

    I won't lose my hair,
    I don't get jock itch.
    And just because I'm assertive,
    Don't call me a bitch.

    Don't say to your friends,
    Oh yeah, I can get her.
    In your dreams, my dear,
    I can do better!

    Flowers are okay,
    But jewelry's the best
    Would you look at my face
    Not at my chest!

    I don't have a problem,
    With expressing my feelings.
    I know when you're lying,
    You look at the ceiling.

    Don't call me a girl,
    A babe, or a chick.
    I am a WOMAN,
    Get it, you prick?

  • peaceloveharmony

    another email i got from a good friend, wanted to share with you all


    "Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
    -Sharon Monplaisir

  • Seeker


    P.S. I'd point out the inconsistency between the title stating it's a "Girl" poem and the final stanza, but I'd get my head handed to me.

  • peaceloveharmony

    haha seeker, i didn't even think of that..LOLOL

    going to change it now...

  • VeniceIT

    HAHAHA OMG that is too funny Harm, and ya you might want to change the title hahah!!


  • peaceloveharmony

    okay, actually i'm not gonna change it. it's okay for a chick to call another chick a girl

  • Seeker

    [plh, you inspired me to compose an appropriate reply, not necessarily the opinion of the author...*ahem*]

    Man Poem

    I shave my face,
    I can stand and pee.
    And I can justify any
    cartoon spree.

    Don't go to salons,
    but old world barbers.
    I can get a massage
    and forget about hers.

    I fill up the checkbook,
    she makes me pump the gas.
    Can talk to my friends
    about the view of that ass!

    My manhood's a masterpiece,
    and yes, it is long.
    And there's never a need,
    to admit when I'm wrong.

    I don't drive in circles,
    at any cost.
    That's mainly because,
    I'm never really lost.

    I sometimes forget,
    an important date.
    You just gotta deal
    with it, it's a man's fate.

    I love watching movies,
    with sex, blood, and gore.
    I need instant replay
    to treasure that score.

    I'm losing my hair,
    I do get jock itch.
    But don't you remind us,
    or we'll call you a bitch.

    Don't say to your friends,
    Oh yeah, I can change him.
    In your dreams, my dear,
    not even a whim!

    Gifts are okay,
    But dinner's the best
    Don't look at my face
    while I check out your chest!

    I don't have a problem,
    With expressing my feelings.
    Just look at my crotch,
    to see where I'm leaning.

    Don't call me a boy,
    A dude, or a hick.
    I am a MAN,
    Get it, you chick?

  • peaceloveharmony

    seeker! ROTFLMAO thanks great

  • nojw86

    PLH HA HA HA that was really good. And they said if I left the truth, well you guys know, nojw having more fun as of lately . < being an exJw ain't so bad > LOL

  • digderidoo

    Nice one seeker!

    Yours dig

    Think not about trying to add days to your life, but instead think about adding life to your days.

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