Worldwide campaign : Go to memorial , watch with respect and eat the emblems!

by lusitano o tuga 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sloppyjoe2

    What difference would it make? In JW land they would change the teaching and say they don't know how many are going to heaven and the 144,000 are symbolic. They would say the increase in prat takers was Jehovah showing them they were mistaken in their understanding and he refined his slave to the correct teaching. Everyone would chalk it up to new light and a blessing. Anyone who points out that people who partook were considered mentally unstable or whatever the exact wording is from their own literature would be apostates. They can do and change whatever they want.

  • dubstepped

    I like this guy. If he doesn't get immediate attention, he talks to himself. Not a bad strategy. Lol @ Outlaw's post.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Those who partake at the Memorial who are unknown to the local Eldubs are NOT counted in the worldwide tabulation. That's the rules.

  • LV101

    dub stepped -- that's funny! Good sense of humor. Outlaw is hilarious.

  • fulano

    Elders only count baptized, so forget it.

  • steve2

    The 2017 Yearbook showed over 18,000 partook of the emblems in 2016, a huge increase over the previous year. The 50,000 figure is a figment of the OP's overheated imagination.

  • finallysomepride
  • steve2

    Excellent point Fulano. Guests and/or unknown visitors are counted as attendees but almost never as partakers - which explains why lusitano's instruction to partake is plain daft.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "...and show to WATCH TOWER SOCIETY the real christian Passover!"

    You mean the WTBTS's "black memorial" devised by the marginalised Charles Taze Russell?

    It was called the "Lord's evening meal" or "last supper" for a pretty obvious reason.

    1 Corinthians 11:21 confirms that Christ's memorial wasn't just a nibble of dry bread and a sip of wine; "For when you eat it, each one takes his own evening meal beforehand...."

  • Darkknight757

    You add to their numbers by being in attendance. Eat and drink at home. Don't commemorate that satanic ritual.

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