a bizarre decision!!!

by digderidoo 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca
    She said she would have thought i was an idiot for smoking,

    So would I. Just because you aren't JWs anymore, doesn't mean that smoking is good for you now.

    Question for the smokers here : Why do you smoke, when the health hazards are abundantly clear?

  • Francois

    I smoke for a simple reason: I'm addicted; physically & psychologically. If you've never been addicted you could never understand.

    I've had people who've never smoked lecture me about it and frankly all that has ever been accomplished is that I stop having anything to do with the lecturer. Don't have much patience with people who have a whole lot to say about a dynamic they've never experienced.

    Nothing is impossible if you don't have to do it yourself.

  • Englishman

    I smoked for 20 years. 40 a day. It was easy to stop, you just cease putting cigarettes in your mouth and setting light to them.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • digderidoo

    my mother does show respect for both my brother and i.....i will show it back to her, yet i feel that she should accept me for who i am and what i do.

    I am not saying smoking is good for you....all i am saying is that from time to time i do smoke, but to do it in front of my mom involves other isssues,

    Yours dig

    Think not about trying to add days to your life, but instead think about adding life to your days.

  • mommy

    Hey Dig
    I think that is great you have respect for your mother. There are many people I know who are not and have never been witnesses who hide smoking from their parents. It is about not letting them see us doing something that will cause them pain.

    Of course we are adults, and are able to make our own decisions. But if we still value their opinion and respect them, I think it would not be a bad thing to curb some of our practices in front of them.

    You are free from the org, but your mother will always be your mother. If you are thinking twice about your actions in front of her, you really should go with that instinct.

    I have too felt like that at times with my mom. I just try as I said above to make things smooth, I respect her choices. It is harder when you have two small children who don't even understand all these feelings yet. HAHA I have many times gone red in the face from their innocent comments. Bravo for you for the love you have for your parents.

  • unanswered

    dig-i think your actions were totally understandable. i smoke(yes i know it's stupid, prisca-like francoise, it's addiction i've been trying to cut loose) and my parents know that i smoke(they are jws). the thing is, smoking really bothers my parents, no matter who is doing it. because of that, i don't smoke in front of them, it's because i respect them, not because of jw ideals. when i am at a family function for an extended period, i still smoke, i just find a place to do it where i am not throwing it in their face. i think you were just being a thoughtful son, dig.-nate

  • BoozeRunner

    Hi Dig,
    I, like Unanswered, think you were being thoughtful. My first encounter with the same situation as yours was to find a place out of sight to smoke. This was mainly because I was in my Mom's home. I felt I would have been disrespecting her home if I smoked inside. She was aware that I was going outside to smoke.
    I also felt no need to "throw it in her face" so to speak.


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