Did You Ever "Pray For The Governing Body"?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    "Now I don't talk to the wall"......Good one! But if you pray for the GB, you are not talking to the wall. I liked it, when a brother Wannabee prayed for the Circuit Overseer, the Circuit Overseer's wife, the District Overseer and the District Overseer's wife while they were visiting the "host" congregation.

  • outbutnotdown

    I haven't been around here for long, but minimus sure seems to like to hear himself talk, so to speak. lol...

    I watched Bruce Almighty tonight and Morgan Freeman (God.... in the movie) summed it up pretty well in his one statement...."people keep asking me for things yet what they ask for is all right inside of each of them." (paraphrasing somewhat....) When JW's pray for the governing body they are just subconsciously giving their mind, heart and soul over to them. I would have to say that as a very young person, even, I thought that this practice was unnatural and never did it. Thank goodness that I didn't pray for them and very likely not very many here did either or we would still be stuck in that spiritually debilitating religion.


  • minimus

    Yes, Thank goodness, Brad!and p.s.----I'm glad you paraphrased what you said.

  • outbutnotdown


  • minimus

    I'm funnin' with ya, Brad.

  • rocky220


  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Is it an unforgivable sin if you did?

    "Forgive them for they not know what they are doing"

  • stillajwexelder

    sadly, like the jerk I was -- I did used to pray for the GB --even from the platform

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