Thunder Bay Anyone?

by Okram 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Okram

    ThanXs for the invite. Unfortuanately already have plans for Friday night. Whats going on, on NewYears? Another sunset shot.

  • Okram

    Another sunset shot cause i know u all love em. Plus it keeps my post near the front.

  • Satanus

    Do you know any people from kenora, like the stovers?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    SS You're in Kenora - cool - Do you ever come to Winnipeg? If so we'll have to get together with Nos

  • Satanus


    I'm actually in montreal. I had some friends in kenora during my dub daze.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Drat - I knew that - must be a senior moment

  • secretminime2

    Hi I'm from Thunder Bay too. I don't post here but David (skiz, dnem, whatever you want to call him today) sent me this link.

    Hi all, and special hi to you Ern!


  • Okram

    Hi there Secretminime2. Hope your enjoying out nice weather. Here's another Glorious summer shot from Camp(cottage) The Big Bad Spider on our Dock carrying her egg sac. They hatched the day after that shot. Hundreds of the buggers. We went back the next week and only 2 or so were still alive. Nature is cruel.

  • Aztec

    ((((((Jackie))))) I wish I could smoosh all of you Thunder Bay peeps in a burrito and eat ya! LOL! I'm so glad you signed up Jackie! I'm in Ontariarioooo for now. I love it here. Come and visit us in Toronto eh?

    Kisses to Jackie, Ern, and David! Love you guys!

    ~Aztec, aka Aztecdune aka Carrie


    Okram, I have to tell ya. There's gotta be somethin' said about T-Bay folks!

    First off, I know a few folks from the Lakehead.

    Awesome folks! My best friend (Finnish descent) is from T-Bay (Port Arthur, yup, he's as old as dirt), and my brother's girlfriend, she's from Thunder Bay also.

    My baby brother is a Mama's Boy. She's great, coz she's on his butt all the time, but ya know, she's good for him, and he's really taken on an entirely new appearance, looks better, eats better and has not become a complete and utter 24-7 pothead. She won't put up with that crap.

    20 cases of empties in the hallway? NO-NO, out they go, and she's on him in a heartbeat.

    She's not a hen-pecking type, just pragmatic, fun-loving, good natured, but she's got my baby brother's best interest at heart, and for that, I think she rocks!!

    T-Bay is A-OK by me!

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