How the Society have failed our youth

by truthseeker 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    To me just as the Mormons havd their own university - -Brigahm Young University, I can not see why the WTBTS does not start its own university in say Patterson or other similar place - -they would then be comntributing to society - hell I would even volunteer to lecture there

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The WTS has done so little that for many JW kids, it is "significant" that a pop celebrity like Michael Jackson is (or was) a JW.

    Now that Michael has converted to the Nation of Islam, how many white American and European youths will be seeking to join that religion?

  • metatron

    Back when I was dumb enough to think that the organization was worth reforming ( and had some chance of doing so)

    I thought a college would be a good idea. I doubt that they could field enough academics ( a JW academic - is that an oxymoron?)

    to pull it off. In addition, Paterson U. is unlikely to ever develop because , of course, since the "End is Soon! "( always, always, always)

    there's no need to create a Witness college.


  • metatron

    I remember them mostly because they are a thing of the past because of the Society's lust for controlling everything.

    Most Witnesses I know barely know how to be social.


  • Momofmany
    Most Witnesses I know barely know how to be social.

    Sad but true. This is one worry I have about my children. Other than each other, they have no friends. I don't know how to fix this.


    Yup ... the borg has failed the youth.

    The only reason the youth get baptised is to get married ... not because of love for the religion ...


  • razorMind
    Don't we all remember the annual congregation picnics?

    "We?" There was never any "congregation picnic" in my living memory, during my 20-odd years of being a JW.

    Just about everybody in my home congregation was about 80-275 years old average. For about a decade it was me, my sister, and a "young brother" our age, as the teen members on the congregation.

    Trust me, nobody ever held ANY gatherings/activities for us "young ones." Heck, they never even socialized with each other outside of the meetings.

  • Beans

    So many other religions focus on the youth and fellowship. I was talking to a girl at work yesterday who said they have "Community Of Christians Kamp" or COCK as she called it, and the youth go for some fellowship.

    If you think about this is where the youth go and communicate with others who have similar interests and really it promotes there church, great marketing I say!


  • lastcall

    I coulda been a contenduh


  • Blueblades

    There is no such thing as sex,only field service and meetings,we have a new publication to reinforce this on you.Don't pay attention to puberty,don't pay attention to teen years,why don't even pay attention to adult years.There is no sex,spiritual eunuchs is what you not masturbate when you get the urge,do not think about sex when you get the urge.Think only about spending your whole life in the field service and at meetings and you wont think about sex at all.Ok if you must marry only another faithful jw and have your sex.However,get out in field service and get to those meetings,get out of that bed.

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