Feeling Hopeful again!

by azaria 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • azaria

    I’m finally (after about six weeks) starting to feel hopeful again. It has been a horrible time for me. I talked to an old friend who I trust about my feelings; about Calvinism. My daughter goes to the same church (Baptist) he goes to, and I was really concerned that they might also believe in Calvinism. I understand it’s more the Southern Baptists that do. Basically what his church believes in I believe in. I know there may always be little things that we might disagree with but is that really important, as long as we can agree with the major doctrines. I do have a need to belong to a community. I will take it very slow though. My friend says that there are many people that go there that were totally disillusioned by religion so I will totally fit in. I do wonder how many people who have stopped believing in God because a religion has betrayed them. I felt totally betrayed, even by my counsellor because she was a Calvinist (unbeknownst to me) and for the past few months faith was the only thing we talked about. She recommended that I go to this Bible Study at her church (where I learned about Election etc) Through the past 14 years I’ve had these nagging feelings but I pushed them aside, thinking that I had a commitment problem (becoming a member-being baptized etc). If I had gone with my gut feelings (not what I wanted to do, but what I felt was right) I wouldn’t be where I am but maybe in time I will learn why I had to go through this. Maybe it had some value. Maybe in a way God speaks to us through our gut (or whatever you want to call it), but we choose to ignore it.

    Almost forgot. While looking for Caspians history I came across Calvinist2's name. It seems that this person and maybe about 3 or 4 other Calvinists hit this board about a year ago. That was rather interesting. Had I only become a member 3 months earlier I may have read it and realized it sooner. But then I was probably not ready to hear about their "troof".


    (if this doesn’t work, it’s on page 55 - 4 th from bottom - in Beliefs, Doctrines & Practices)

    I won’t be here too much during the holidays, with work and everything. I do want to wish everyone a

    "Wonderful Christmas"

  • Narkissos


    Shortly after I was disfellowshipped from JWs I attended a theological Faculty where the dogmatics were essentially calvinist. I didn't realize it when I began, but a few weeks later I was a heretic again.

    Trust your guts, or heart, or whatever organ you wish, and may it lead you to really "independent thinking"!

    Merry Christmas to you too,

  • jst2laws

    Hello Azaria,

    I have an interrest in Calvinism but not because I think it is even close to biblical truth.

    Many of the early settlers were Calvinist, Puritans. They all have, in my opinion, an inability to understand what Jesus meant. They, like the Watchtower (with 'the principles of the Hebrew Scriptures are valid'), like to mix the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures which is impossible. One is a new covenant, the other is an old covenant, one reveals a shadow, the other reveals the reality, one is about ritual, enslavement, vengence and sin, the other about forgiveness, oneness with God, freedom and mercy/grace.

    I would encourage you run away from Calvinism and any other fundamentalism. All exjws already have, unless they got caught up in another fundamentalist group without knowing it. But the issue of community is something else. If you feel the need for it, and you are fed up with religion, I would suggest the Unity Church. They are about as far from Calvinism as you can get.

    Hope you find what you are looking for.


  • mouthy

    JOY Please learn something about the Unity Church of Christianity.

    Started by Charles & Myrtle Fillmore 1889 founded.. I know alot about it...they have a real interest Metaphysical Thought ..... I have visited them on my exit from the "troof" Follower beware.... If you dont want to be entrapped again dont get involved in this another cult....Been there done that.

    Also the Coonites!!! or another name is REIDITES or TWO-BY-TWOs.Hey I really searched all these cults. It is often what a JW will do- go into another Cult. I know many on here will say "Well Grace You say your a BORN AGAIN Christian isnt that a CULT!!!! I answer>>> NOT to Grace!!!!

  • mouthy

    Sorry JoyIt was the Ole man that posted that>>> OOPs Old age again sorry

  • Sentinel

    (((Azaria))) As human beings we need to feel accepted and loved, and yes, a part of something. If going to this new place gives you the things you need, then accept the good and go with your heart. The only thing to watch for is getting entrapped into cult-like situations. By now I'm certain you will be on the look-out for that for sure!

    As you grow and become more secure with yourself and your inner feelings, you may even want to make a different change. The good thing is that you are now free to do so!


  • Carmel


    I just heard an encouraging diddy on a talk show this am. Whereas I had been under the impression that half of Americans took the bible literally, recent poles indicate that only 20% do so. To me that is incouraging that despite the apparent acendency of the religious right in the land and their purposeful intrusion into politics, still 80% of Americans are not taken in by the goofiness.



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