Covering the territory

by Ding 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    It depends on how efficient the brother handling territory is.

    Some allow certain jws to keep their favorite territory for some time.

    Some jws turn one in saying they worked it when they never got around to it

    Some T servants try to give out the territory not worked the longest time ago (?) to certain publishers and they don't want it, "bad" neighborhood (too many black people), too far away, etc. So usually regular pioneers will take it because they want a "fresh" territory.

    I remember one service elder would pick out the oldest ones and have a "campaign" of not knocking and just leaving a tract or an old magazine in the door so it would look like they were up to date when the CO came at the end of the month.

  • ab.ortega

    Congregation I was in covered a huge area and had close to 50 territory maps. The whole territory was never fully covered. Service group overseers had favorite territories so those were worked often. The least favorite were hardly ever worked. Sometimes the person in charge of service wasn't even prepared with a territory so they would just send the pubs to whatever territory off the top of their some sections were overworked. Even during campaigns the whole thing was not done. (even with 30+ RPs and a large amount of auxiliary for the month)

    JWs like to say they are the most organized, when in reality it's not so true.

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