Christmas before Armaggedon arrives

by undercover 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    Does anyone else remember(years ago) the WTS claiming that as time went on and people became less and less Godless, that in the years right before Armaggedon was to strike, people would forego the celebrating of Christmas?

    I remember this being taught when I was a young-un. I don't know if it was ever in print or not, but I definately remember it being said at book studies and KH meetings.

    Somebody tell me I'm not dreaming this.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Observing themselves -

    no christmas, ungodliness, armageddon always 'right around the corner'

    Must be the truth

  • shera

    Yes,I do remember this.A sister was talking about this in a conversation we were having.

    Your not dreaming

  • Eyebrow2

    I dont remember that at all.

    It must have been before the baby boomers started to have families and started to go back to church.

    the trend you have kids, hit the middle thirties or early forties and decide you need a religion and congregation to go to. hit me hahahah

  • NeonMadman

    I don't remember ever hearing such a thing. Back in the late 60's and early 70's, we were taught that the "waters of the Euphrates" (support for the Babylonish churches) would "dry up" in the sense that the influence of "false religion" in society would diminish as the end approached. We were given to believe that this was already happening then (though organized religion made a resurgence after that). But religion would not fade away altogether, otherwise there would be nothing left for the "scarlet colored wild beast" to destroy in the Tribulation.

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    New Light!!!!!!!!! Santa could arrive some year on a white horse and execute all the


  • shera

    Odd really,there has been a few things I heard,that many other people never heard of.

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