What was the retirement plans you heard brothers talk about if any

by JimmyYoung 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JimmyYoung

    I know some would not think about retirement. I had one brother who would pioneer as he could afford and when he paid off his home he was about to collect social security. He made enough that his plan was to work two to three days a week and pioneer the rest of the week. That was his plan. So many others had no plan at all. They would just ignore the idea of getting old in this system OT. My inlaws are struggling to live on SS with no savings or even a decent home. They sold their home and moved to a POS that needed to be dozed but fixed it up to keep on keeping on in the cult.

  • LongHairGal


    I had a conversation with an elder in my later years in the religion and we were talking about retirement.

    He admitted to me that he was putting in extra hours here and there to save “just in case Armageddon hadn’t come yet”. I’m sure other intelligent JWs did as well but they just kept their mouth shut about their business!

  • Simon

    I think many up till now have gotten fairly lucky, despite not really planning, simply by virtue of being baby boomers - so they have been able to buy houses incredibly cheaply and then benefit from vastly inflated prices, and may have benefited from a time when company pensions were more common.

    There will be a whole generation who really, really need to be planning for their own retirement provisions as state pensions are reduced and there less reward that happens just by virtue of getting old (low rates mean savings grow less and debt isn't "inflated away"). Some won't, and will then be a burden on their family if they have one or have to live a very frugal life in their later years.

    BTW: It's never too late to start saving and investing.

  • Moster

    As my mother said "We just didn't think we would still be here. We thought Armageddon would have come"

  • tiki

    Saving for retirement meant not trusting in Jehovah. Kingdom interest first and everything else will magically fall into your lap. Except thats not the way it works out in reality. My father died without life insurance or savings

    ...he was a WWI vet so that covered funeral costs...mother left virtually destitute....only his soc sec money and a very very meagher pension. Then there was one pioneering girl I remember figuring the best way was to earn just under the cap of gross income where you have to pay income taxes...this avoiding support to Uncle Sam.

  • JimmyYoung

    personally I know of some who took jobs that paid pensions or other retirement things very quietly as they were getting to the late 40s and had nothing for retirement.

  • NVR2L8
    My parents' story is similar to Tiki's...no investments in a pension fund or life insurance. They never owned a home because the end was around the corner. Dad had invalidity insurance at work that paid his salary for 8 years until the government old age pension kicked in. They lived the simple life of full time servants and today my old mom is just waiting for the new system...
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I was never supposed to graduate high school of course (I graduated in 1975) but once did that and once I got back from a stint at Bethel I started a job that had a pension. The older brothers said I'd never get to use it and every meeting and assembly that I attended for decades confirmed that this would be the case.

    Fast forward 33 years, I got to retire early a few months ago with a pension that will pay me 66% of my highest salary for the rest of my life and it will get cost of living raises every year and be passed on to my wife after I'm gone.

    A few times over the years, I had the opportunity to take the money out and use it but thankfully I didn't let the JW mindset influence me to do that.

    From what I could tell, very few JW's were thinking about having money set aside for their old age.

    My wife's JW elder father died of cancer at 48 with 3 of his 6 kids still at home and his wife (my mother in law) received a widows pension until the kids were grown. She regular pioneered and worked part time until she was too old to do so. We all kicked in each month to cover her expenses. Then there was a class action suit that paid her $300k for the death of her husband who was exposed to a certain chemical that was linked to his cancer.

    If it weren't for those awful worldly people, who found her, sought justice for her and made sure she got what she was entitled to, she wouldn't have a dime to her name right now and we'd be paying for her dementia care.

  • WTWizard

    Retirement is not something the jokehovians think about, unless they wish to waste their senior years worshiping this humanity-hating god in pain and misery so they can be used to run another poverty and misery working for others. Instead, it takes planning these days to retire comfortably, and results are not guaranteed.

    Unlike back in the 1950s and 1960s, where Social Security and corporate pensions could be guaranteed, today they are cutting into both. The government can confiscate your pensions with a mouse click, inflation and hyperinflation can erode or destroy both Social Security and your savings, a stock market crash or companies that decide to steal your pensions could ruin your retirement. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, these situations were far less likely to happen.

    There are multiple ways to prepare for retirement, each with drawbacks and advantages. Stocks and bonds can give you paper wealth, but if they pull the rug out from under the propped up markets, they can crash without warning (worse than 2008-09). Banks pay piddling for interest these days, and hyperinflation could destroy your wealth with little warning. Hard assets can help you become independent but the government can confiscate land and stop you from doing anything on it to survive. Gold and silver are safer--they have the potential for huge capital gains and little risk of easy government confiscation. Of course, the banks can stall on that, too--keeping the price artificially low so you can't retire on it so soon.

    However, despite this uncertainty, one thing is certain. If you simply do nothing but pious-sneer and waste your time and money on this filthy religion, you will be destitute when you reach your senior years. You don't have any savings, stocks, or bonds--hence, even if they are propped up and don't crash and hyperinflation doesn't happen, you put nothing in, you get nothing out. Social Security is proportional to how much you earn--earn nothing, reap nothing. You also don't have any gold or silver--so, even if they pull the rug out from under other markets or lose control of gold and silver prices, you put nothing in, you get nothing out. And hard assets are also worthless if you put nothing in, even if governments allow you to use them to survive.

  • scruffmcbuff

    Well said simon.

    My dad boughy his house in the late 70s his house cost £26,000 his annual salary back then was £22,000. The house is now worth £600,000+. A man in the same role as my father now earns £80,000 but the houses cost £400,000- £1,000,000.

    The new generation of Jws will NOT be able to survive.

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