The "Problem" With Zoom

by XBEHERE 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    You can polish the donation box!

    You can paint the exterior of the KH with a 2" paint brush!

    You can seal and mail the blue envelopes! (but no peeking!)

    You can fire up the shredder; we've caught wind that new CSA subpeona is on the way!

    You can kiss the CO's chocolate star!

    Elduhz: You can take the fall for WT's fugged up CSA policies, cause WT HQ doesn't give a shit!

  • Leathercrop

    PLUS, you really do not have to sit there and listen!!! Turn the camera off, mute the mic and open a beer and watch TV.

    Lmao, that prolly be me at a 10am meeting 😂

  • NotFormer

    I suppose the WT is having a similar problem to that of a lot of corporations. Covid proved that work-from-home was a workable solution and employees began to like the idea. Middle management got scared because their inability to micromanage someone not sitting in an office or cubicle on company premises might expose how unnecessary they really are.

    People who are able to turn off their camera and mute their mic are similarly protected from a level of micromanagement. If someone isn't physically present, the elders can't monitor things like correct mode of dress, the right facial expressions, etc. If the elders can't micromanage, then neither can the COs, nor Bethel itself. The whole control structure upon which the WT is built is being undermined by something as simple as the existence of remote meeting attendance.

  • MissDaSilva

    Zoom has enabled me to fade out. It’s been a literal life saver for my situation.

    I get a lot of housework done on a Sunday morning while “listening” to the watchtower. 😉😆Some people’s comments make me want to vomit, the holier than thou attitude is nauseating.

    Have a great day everyone 🙏💖🎄

  • Vidiot
    NotFormer - Covid proved that work-from-home was a workable solution and employees began to like the idea. Middle management got scared because their inability to micromanage someone not sitting in an office or cubicle on company premises might expose how unnecessary they really are.”

    Ohmygod, that makes all the sense.

    Greatest post ever, dude.

  • NotFormer

    Vidiot, there are many YouTube videos out there about the changing workplaces of the corporate world. Joshua Fluke is a reasonable channel.

    Both the WT and strong hands on management are experiencing similar shifts in outcomes.

  • Vidiot

    IMO, three of the biggest things for maintaining discipline in any high-control collective are in-person fellowship, group-oriented tasks, and conformity.

    Covid and Zoom have dealt a crippling blow to the first two, and the third one doesn’t seem too far behind.

  • BluesBrother

    They be logged into the zoom meeting, but are they even watching? We don’t always.

  • ElderBerry

    Zoom meetings is one thing but zoom ministry groups is another.

    with zoom meetings you can only chat to each other a lot before and after the meeting it’s not a good catch up at all.

    zoom ministry is as long as a couple of hours having a good old natter. We sometimes do breakout rooms.

    it’s just an idea but there is no reason why you couldn’t have unofficial breakout rooms during the meeting just like sometimes people go out to the parents room or outside the hall for a talk during the meetings

    you can message someone else on zoom and ask if you can give them a call during the meeting and both just leave your zoom on and your cameras off

  • Vidiot
    BluesBrother - “…They be logged into the zoom meeting, but are they even watching?”

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