Notes from 2001 District Conv.---Friday

by LostMyReligion 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostMyReligion

    Here are a few notes I took at the Friday session of the 2001 "Teachers of God's Word" District convention. I thought I would share these upbuilding theocratic point with my new friends, along with my thoughts as I was listening to the program.

    1st instruction of the day: sing loudly and listen to the prayer! (you daydreaming slackers -- you know who you are)

    We may have been tired when we got here, but the next 3 days will be like a vitamin shot---energizing us for activity when we get home. (Yah, a vitamin shot of vitamins F and G---fear and guilt.)

    How do you feel knowing that many, including ones close to you are soon to meet their end? (more vitamins F & G)

    Experience: A sister with a child was a low time publisher due to her busy life and activities. Among those spoken about were working full-time as a disaster insurance adjuster (necessitating 2-3 week out of town trips to disaster sites), volunteering at the Special Olympics, and doing work for the Breast Cancer Awareness group. Also she was very involved with raising her child, taking him rollerblading, snowboarding, and to the beach. Then she heard the admonition at a district conv. "Are you living for "today" or for the future. Then she decided to cut way back on her activities, becoming an auxillary pio. and then a regular pioneer. (Isn't that wonderful, she's helping so many more people now![8v] )

    Experience: a young sister had the goal of pioneering, but was such a good student that she recieved offers of a scholarship. But this would mean she would have to give up her goal of pioneering. She decided instead to give up material goals for spiritual ones. After a while pioneering, she found herself without sufficient money to continue. She prayed for her exact needs. Shortly, a job offer came which allowed her to work on her non-service days and provided EXACTLY to the dollar what she needed to continue pioneering. ( I guess that not going to college thing is still the preferred way.)

    What we read, watch, participate in, and talk about should not be a part of the world's entertainment. (What's left?--Listen to kingdom melodies and read the WT!)

    Talk about being clean people.---First part of talk concerned being physically clean, bodies, homes, etc. Maintain spiritual cleaness both morally and doctrinally. Beware of apostates! (Oh no, have I been compromised!)

    As God's representatives, a truly awesome responsibility rests on our shoulders. ( And what about the responsibility on the shoulders of those who send us out under their authority and guidance?)

    A real danger: What if we were watching a movie at home which contained scenes of intense violence oriented action, or other questionable images (no particular rating was mentioned), and a sensitive Bible study stopped by unexpectedly. It could offend him, cause him to have difficulty leaving his worldly habits, or stumble him! (Couldn't we just turn off the VCR before he comes in?)

    Experience: A brother had to take a job working nights, but he insisted that he must be allowed time off for meetings. His employer said OK, but....... he would not be paid for those hours he was absent from his shift. Can you imagine friends, each week it was as if that brother had to write a check for a certain amount to be able to attend the meetings! (Duh! Even my JW son said who would expect to be paid if he was not at work.)

    Talk: Oppose the Devil
    Satan was compared to a serial killer a la Ted Bundy. He uses the same tricks, hides behind a mask of normalcy, conceals his true motives, and has a certain victim profile which he prefers. Do you know the profile? Do you fit it? Satan takes more delight in making JWs his victims that anyone else! What is he looking for? Attitudes and heart conditions make us his targets. Are we easily provoked, critical of elders and their actions, resentful of counsel? Do we have a complaining self-oriented spirit? These things make us prime targets. These attitudes are a form of greed---putting our feelings and desires before those of others. (More vitamins F&G. Maybe it would pay to be one of those worldly people after all.)

    Talk:Jehovah Beautifies His People with Light
    Given by (drum roll, please) Ted Jaracz of the Governing Body
    A round of pre-talk clapping was given ( no one else got any)

    He said, "True christians are not content with just attending a rew religious services. They also give of their time and resources to promote true worship." (a few--a FEW!)

    Released new Isaiah pt 2 book

    Observation: With only a small number of exceptions, the experiences were given by brothers merely relating the story, rather than the individual involved. Is this some kind of new experience standardization?

    Well, if these are enjoyed by any, I will put up a few more after I attend the rest of the conv.


  • somebody

    thank you, LMR. Yes! please keep them coming throughout the convention. I, for one, appreciate it. I like to keep up with the newest light from the "Teachers Of God's Word". hey, ya never know when the teachers will change God's word again!

    thanks for the notes, and please keep them coming.


  • Farkel


    Thanks for sharing your assembly notes! It's the same old crap they were saying 30 years ago, right before I left, except back then 1975 was used to whip up a frenzy.

    I'm particularly disgusted with the "experience" about that youngster giving up a college scholarship to see Watchtower books. I thought they had backed off on that, but as you stated, I guess not.

    : Observation: With only a small number of exceptions, the experiences were given by brothers merely relating the story, rather than the individual involved. Is this some kind of new experience standardization?

    Over the last few years several have commented that the convention organizers are frustrated because they can't find any local experiences with local residents to share at the assemblies. It's a real problem and especially for Circuit Assemblies: twenty congregations, zero experiences worth relating at an assembly. Why doesn't the WTS get a clue and realize that their tactics and recruitment methods are NOT working. Same is true with baptisms. Many circuit assemblies have only one, two or even no baptisms these days.

    Maybe there were only a grand total of four "good" experiences in the entire Watchtower world, and those four experiences are being shared at ALL district assemblies! Wouldn't THAT be a hoot? :)


  • expatbrit


    Thanks from me too, and please give us your observations for the rest of the convention.

    Just reading about the convention was enough to remind me of that clenched feeling in the stomach I used to have while actually attending.


    Why doesn't the WTS get a clue

    Let's hope they don't. It might prolong their miserable existence.


  • Osarsif
    Well, if these are enjoyed by any, I will put up a few more after I attend the rest of the conv.

    Yes, please post more. Thanks.

    Convention Program:

  • teejay

    my dear LMR,

    i had in mind going to the assembly so that i could share
    with the board many of the fine, spiritually uplifting talks
    and experiences, but could not bring myself to do so. i think
    my mental sanity and a desire for a calm stomach had
    something to do with it.

    you have taken a load off of my mind, and don't think your
    activity won't go rewarded. a thousand thanks, and please
    continue. we can hardly bear the anticipation!!


  • Moxy

    Thanks, i will check in for more notes too. I will be curious to see how similar the talks and experiences are at ours. if indeed, as Fark posits, the experience pool is so shallow that the best get used as standards everywhere.

    re the pioneer who declined the scholarship: how was it that she could have had her pioneering needs met to 'the exact dollar' - what does that even mean?? she totaled up rent, food, and minimum supply of goods and she met that amount exactly without a dollar to spare? that doesnt even make sense on any level. im sure your short description is not giving the whole story and it makes a LITTLE more sense in full. but we hear 'exact dollar' type experiences a lot. what? doesn't Jehovah tip? i guess if we happened to receive a good deal more than our absolute minimum requirements we'd know Jehovah had no hand in it.

    "Hey, alright. i got $100 bonus. Id thank you Jehovah, but this doesnt sound like you..."


  • Loki

    Hi LMR

    Many thanks for your notes, reminds me why I don’t go anymore. They are still sprouting the same information as they did before I left.

    I found the talk on the warning about Satan very thought provoking, the part of your notes that said “Are we easily provoked, critical of elders and their actions, resentful of counsel? Do we have a complaining self-oriented spirit? These things make us prime targets”. I used to take this to heart, thinking they were trying to protect the “flock”. These days this seems, in my own opinion, to be a way of warding off questions about the way things are being operated in the WTS. That way they can say what they like and the “sheep” follow trustingly.

    Please keep it up LMR, it helps to keep us going. Thank you

  • NikL

    Thank you thank you thank you!
    My wife is attending the indoctinational session as well. She is actually riding a bus with our 8 year old son 3 hours each way to go listen to this crap.
    Anyway, through you I can get a gist of the drivel she is hearing.
    Thanks again and keep up the good work.

  • zev

    so this is what i have to look foward to?

    i will be catching up on my much needed rest in july

    z z z z ...

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

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