AM2015 observations

by Gorbatchov 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    It's was hard to see somewhat of the AM 2015 at

    I have some observations:

    - what's going on with Antony Morris III? It look like his cowboy boots are waiting for him behind the stage. A republican American with cynical humor. It seems he doesn't believe a word of what he is saying. And his horse is waiting for him to bring him back to prairie.

    - David Splane look likes a real sect leader. With his continue rhetoric questions to the public.

    - The 2 helpers of the GB, Shaver and the other guy, looks like an Oscar Night nomination.

    - Samuel Herd is the other deep south republican American on the screen.

    It's unbelievable how Republican American the JW believe has become. With all the cynical remarks and the look and feel of the current leadership, I really don't now what direction the believe is going the following years.

    I really feel sorry for the many elderly in the public who got the "fresh air" of the "historic" change in their faces.

    Pfff. Gorby

  • pixel
    Thanks for your observations. This cult is going all out crazy.
  • SafeAtHome
    There was a thread sometime back that had to do with politics and I said that if JWs could vote, they would all vote Repukelican!
  • WingCommander
    Are you guys serious? JW leadership doesn't equate with American Democrat or Republican. They couldn't give 2 shits about political parties. THEY are already rulers, so what do they care? They don't. You can't politicize everything. Sheesh.
  • Gorbatchov
    Wingcon, if you talk like a republican, smell like a republican and dress like a republican then...
  • WingCommander

    So everyone who dresses in Brooks Brothers suits, wears a Rolex, and doesn't think smoking dope and having orgies is a Republican?

    That's like me saying all Liberals are long haired hippies who smoke dope, like orgies, like gay sex too, endorse Abortions no matter what, want to legalize all hard drugs, and drive Prius to their job at the farm collective.

  • Pistoff

    I am with Gorby on this one; AMIII has complained about taxes being high (as if he pays any), and is obsessed with gays, tight pants, and every bit of sexual morality, both strong indicators of right wingerism.

    (Also his obsession with gays is a strong indicator he is either closeted or afraid he is gay, IMHO)

  • 88JM

    Whoops wrong thread

  • Gorbatchov
    Wingcom, what I mean, for an European, for a Dutchman, the current leadership are cynical and have a Arrogant style like Republicans like Bush and Cheney.
  • freemindfade
    The two helpers make AM3 seem almost normal, I wanted to puke. Such weirdos

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