Just lost our parents... Part 2

by 2escaped lifers 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • shotgun

    Brandon and Stephanie

    It does not matter what they do in the hall now that you a liberated family including your boys.

    Enjoy your freedom and enjoy life together.

    Best regards Shotgun

  • Billygoat

    Brandon and Stephanie,

    Congratulations! It took courage to do that and it will continue to take courage to follow through with your new life changes. It's hard, but worth it! I am proud of you and hope things work out as well for you as it has for so many others here. Yes, there are heartaches exiting the Borg, but the blessings in the end far outweigh the negatives. You have a new family here...welcome!

    Christian love,


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Nark, in the earlier days, they would announce the reason for your expulsion. They don't do it today. A brother who was expelled for drunkedness was looked upon differently than the one who was an apostate. Elders can visit and help brothers who have problems but not so with an apostate. A person may have a 'weakness' and it can be corrected with help. On the other hand, an apostate was considered incorrigible. I come from a different era and maybe today's views are different than the good old days. Also, different areas are more laxed than others. That too is weird and why is it?

    Guest 77

  • Narkissos

    Thanks Guest 77: I was disfellowshipped almost 18 years ago and never received the least call since (only R&F JWs who forgot to avoid my house). According to what you say, my opinion is that "apostasy" remains the best way out!

  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    Guest77 - Yeah, you are right that I sort of gave them some "ammunition" by a few sentences in the letter. Oh well.... It doesn't really matter though, we're going to be shunned anyway, whatever they do.

    cruzanheart -

    You rock, guys. If you want to really get under the elders' skin, send copies of the letter to everyone in the congregation that you can think of. That way they can't make a simple statement like "they disassociated themselves" because everyone will know what REALLY was said in your letter.

    We've considered this, and may still do it. But more than likely we'll write a seperate letter to our old friends.

    Elsewhere and Simplesally - Interesting thought!!! Lets see, what mischief can I make for them with that one...hmmmm?

    Everyone - Thanks so much for your kind comments and support!!!

    Best regards,

    Brandon Bartlett

  • orangefatcat

    Wow!! You are terrific and extremely brave in my opinion. Brovo. Your letter to the Cong. of Elders was the most profound one I have ever seen or heard of. I do hope that you in no way are offended by anything I say, for that is not my intention.

    Of course compared to those who are Ex Elders here I am sure that many of them have indeed seen letters like this. They get over it. They feel its no skin off their teeth. Elders have not only become yesbots but stonehearted cold. Many pretend to be your friend at these times, but in essence are looking for any mistakes you make. This includes the general population of witnesses. Mind you there are Elders who will work dilegently for the cong and God and organization and they believe with all their heart they are true servants of God. However in speaking about Elders who, have many a power trip these are the ones you love to loathe and want to avoid like the plauge.

    If I was one of the Elders to whom you were writing to, I would certainly feel that you attacked the incomprable mother the GB and organization. Hence without any hesitation they oust you for apostacy and nothing else you said in the letter would mean anything to them. Because you did the ultimate no no. You according to them have grieved the Holy Spirit. The sin of death. This is their judgement.

    Thank you that there is a God who is soley our Judge Amen!! And not them for many of them would never allow you to attain everlasting life if they were are sometimes believe they are your judge and jury...

    I know this is what they are saying about you, you can tell, and they have told all privately so as to save their faces and escape a libel suit. They are sneaks, they are spies, they are gossipers. They don't adhere to the silence of telling their wives private matters. We laugh many at time as we can tell what some elders tell them. We use to call them elderettes. You are better off without them. And so if the disfellowship you or they dissassociate you from the organization, don't worry about it. You know the real truth. And in the eyes of God he also knows the truth. He sees all as the scriptures tell us. His eyes are everywhere.

    The sad part is the price you will pay for this, lose of family and many friends. It will hurt for a while, but you will be the better for it. You will become stronger knowing that you in no way did anything that brought reproach to God. You have remained as you said: clean, moral and upstanding. And that is truly wonderful. But they the WTS sees it a different way all together.

    How sad that an organization of that magnatude can't see the forest for the trees. And they full well know that they are losing out. The ranks of JWs dwindle each yr. A few yrs ago the society disfellowshipped 40,000 mostly for immorality. I guess the rest is apostacy.

    Remain strong and let me encourage you to develop new friends on the board as there are many who care and although we don't know you personally we love you.

    May the grace of God be with you during this difficult time.

    I remain a freind to you

    Love Orangefatcat. aka Terry.

  • mouthy

    Wondeful letter. It took courage to write.I am so sorry about your loss of Parents. but as someone said it MAY turn around. I always say it isnt over "till the fat lady sings I am taking lessons. "I have a couple living in Windsor who went to have a simalar letter drawn up by a lawyer...Pretty much like yours. You know what!! They DID not announce it from the platform & when they see them at the doughnut place for coffee they smile or nod!!!! They threatened iF the said anything derogatroy about them they would sue>>>> So you never Know... God bless, & keep your chin up.Your going to be doing a lot of hurting over the parents... But it is THEIR choice.... On another note MY daughter hasnt spoken to me regularly- but she heard my back was out!!!! & called!!!! yesterday -it must be last year or so when the Kingdom Ministry allowed them to visit the sick-she came for a week .??She didnt speak to me for 10 years when I was ousted....So you never know!!!!(((HUGS))

  • LoverOfTruth

    It really doesn't matter what you said in your letter. If you disagree about anything, you can be disfellowshipped for apostasy. The final blow for me was when I disagreed with an elder over the Sisters being permitted to wear leg-warmers in the field service!

    Really sorry about your parents though. Hope you don't lose total contact with them; each day is precious.

  • kilroy2

    It would be hard to bring a court case against the dubbers for dissfell or dissass. they dont tell why they are doing anything they just say conduct unbecoming, or say you sent a letter. by saying that dubbers dont have the truth you gave them the rope. I have been the subject of the same witch hunt for years. I just bite my toung and say I just have a lot of questions, and never say that I think this or that, just I have read this or that. that way you keep them off balance. but another point is that some find peace of mind to just be done with them and let them do what ever. for me I like keeping them on a string. maybe I am on the string also but I enjoy it. they cant say that thair hall is clean as long as I am not dfed. where is hova keeping the org. clean? maybe he is on the craper. I just cant leave the bible myths alone. i love to use them against the dubbers. I think the best thing to do IMHO, is to get the questions down pat and ask them each time they come. I have asked several elders and each time they come and I never get them to come back with an answer, just more do you belive this to be gods only org. on earth? I dont know I am haveing a hard time with some of the 607 doctrins. why is jws the only people that put the destruction of the temple of jers. at that date? How do you explain the changing dates of the org. over the 120+ years of its existance? why if jeasus came to earth in 1914 and found only the quaker oats man doing gods work would you be dfed for teaching anything that russel tought? believe me keeps them off balance and thay hate it.

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