The evolution of YHWH

by Faraon 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OICU8it2

    How could God condem you for acting upon instincts he gives you?

  • Faraon

    Oh, I see you ate it too,

    How could God condem you for acting upon instincts he gives you?

    He probably gets bored and wants to start an action drama, just like he changed Pharaoh's heart so that he would not send the Israelites to the desert, so that he could watch his angels kill all first-born in Egypt.

    I notice that he despises first-born children. Maybe his brother Baal was older and kicked his ass when both of them were younger.

  • AGuest

    peace to you!

    Unfortunately, you err in your assumption: we do not act upon instincts given us by God as God has not given us instincts. We, unlike brute animals, were given free-will: the ability and right... to choose. Animals do not choose, but simply follow the inherent "instincts" that they possess, given them by God for their own good and survival: lions hunt, elephants eat grass, geese fly south. True, their are exceptional deviations, but that is usually due to a fluke - a lion may eat its young rather than hunt, an elephant may eat some other vegetation other than what it normally does, a certain goose may not fly so far south... or south at all. But again, these are exceptions, rather than the norm.

    Earthling man, however, starting with Adam, was NOT "programmed" to "follow" anything. Rather, from day one, he was given CHOICES. Starting with Adam, that choice was to eat... or not eat. Adam chose to eat. Because he wanted to. Because he wanted to be "like" God... knowing good AND bad... and living to tell about it.

    We, too, act upon CHOICES. Our very lives are about CHOICES. Sometimes the choices are ours... sometimes they are other's. For instance, you are the "product" of the CHOICES made by your parents... whether it was to even have, as well as where to raise you, what to teach you, what to tell you... and what not in all instances. Thereafter, from a certain point, your life became the product of YOUR choices: who to marry, where to work, what profession, what faith/belief system, what to eat, what to where, when to go, etc.

    Unfortunately, like Adam, however, MANY of us CHOOSE... rather than acknowledge our choices, good and bad, and their results/consequences... to BLAME someone else when things don't work out as we want them to. We will take all due credit when they work out for the good... but will blame everyone... from our parents to God... when things don't. Not that our parents choices weren't detrimental from time to time; for many, they were/are. But we can't even bring ourselves to take credit when our OWN choices result in detriment.

    But we are, after all, mere earthling man and NOT gods... so what should we expect? We simply live up to the inferiority that is truly inherent in us... that which was given to us NOT by God... but by Adam, the guy who made the FIRST bad choice.

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • hillary_step


    To add to the reading list I would highly recommend 'A History Of Religious Ideas' ( 3 Volumes ) by Mircea Eliade.

    A warning - Historical scrutiny can be very damaging to a persons faith in the Bible, so if you want that faith maintained, do not research! I know members of WTS Writing who do read widely and have managed to develop a built in screen that allows them to filter out research and material that they do not want influencing them by claiming that they were produced under Satanic authorship. As one researcher once told me, "My job is to sort through piles of manure to find a pearl". What he meant by that is that anything that does not fit in with WTS teachings is manure, what remains are pearls!

    Ignorance can be bliss after all.

    Best regards - HS

  • JamesThomas
    "My job is to sort through piles of manure to find a pearl"

    In other words, he was not in search for Reality, but rather support for his preconceived idea of truth.....which is not truth at all. I suggest anyone looking for Truth to let go of every cherished idea of what Truth/God/Reality is. The ultimate Truth is looking out the eyes reading this even now, but is veiled by attachments to what we think we already know. As long as God/our Source, is reduced down to a thing separate from us, too tiny to be present now, the mind is simply dissecting it's own lifeless creation. j

  • TuningFork

    Just another way that the dubs deceive you.

    When you realize you are the "pearl", what need is there to search through the manure (confusion).


  • Faraon


    "My job is to sort through piles of manure to find a pearl". What he meant by that is that anything that does not fit in with WTS teachings is manure, what remains are pearls!

    I would say that it is hard to find a pearl in all the WTS b*llsh*t.

    I pity those people. They have an excellent opportunity to look, see, and compare. They decide not to do it. Those researchers have something the rest of the Borg don't. Carte Blanche to look into other religions and see the truth. They choose to prostitute themselves to the Evil Tower, and enslave other minds.

    I wonder what a just god would do to them, if he existed.

    I know if I was one, I would let them relive their lives as each one of the victims of their misinformation.

  • crinklestein

    I was talking to my fiance about the speculated pronounciation of YHWH and how they came up with Jehovah. I said that for all anyone knows it could be pronounced YahooWoohoo. But why is everyone in the WTS so concerned over its pronounciation and using it to name their own religion? God has many names and his true name is only known to him. Here's some of God's other names:

    He causes to become
    El Shaddai
    I am who I am
    I Am

    The list goes on! Why focus on only one of those names and act like 1) It's pronounced correctly 2) It's spelled correctly and 3) It's God's true name? They say it's to worship him in truth and it's more personable to worship him by his name. But that's not even REALLY his name!

    Judges 13:18
    He replied, "Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding.

    18 The angel of GOD said, "What's this? You ask for my name? You wouldn't understand--it's sheer wonder."

    18 "Why do you ask my name?" the angel of the LORD replied. "You wouldn't understand if I told you."

    18 And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?

    God has many names and his true one is hidden and secret so we would not be able to worship him by name and have it mean anything at all! The Witnesses say that Satan's true name is unknown and how everyone that claims to be a Satan Worshipper is worshipping someone they don't know because his true name is hidden. They are worshipping in ignorance. Using this same logic are the Witnesses not worshipping in ignorance since the true name of God is hidden?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Far-on, I took note of your post, and when I went to visit my mom I searched for the mag. you suggested, but, I came up with an Awake like magaizine with the title, 'The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever."

    The copyright was dated 1984, have you ever seen it? It gives a history of the name, etc. Here's what it contained about 'YHWH' a picture of ' angel with God's name found on the tomb of Pope Clement X111 in St. Peters Basilica, the Vatican.

    The following are also in pictures.

    "Many coins were minted bearing God's name. This one, dated 1661, is from Nuremburg. The Latin text reads: "Under the shadow of your wings."

    "Fourviere catholic Basilica, Lyons France."

    "Bourges Catheral, France"

    "Church in La Celle Dunoise, France."

    "Church in Digne, southern France."

    "Church in Sao Paulo, Brazil."

    "Strasbourg catheral, France."

    Saint Mark's Cathedral, Venice, Italy."

    The above is a few of the buildings and monuments that have God's name in the form of the Tetragrammaton, there are others. If you can get a copy, please do, and make your comparisons.

    Guest 77

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