Now Scottish history disproves the flood

by Splash 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Splash

    WT state that the global flood that wiped everything away happened in 2370 BCE.

    There's been a wealth of evidence from many quarters which prove that life continued as normal for civilizations during that time period.

    Now Scotland adds to that body of evidence as detailed in this BBC report:

    Neolithic Orkney - new study

    Key dates indicated by the study

    • Orkney was probably first colonised in 3600 BC
    • Settlement peaked in the period 3100-2900 BC
    • There was a phase of decline 2800-2600 BC, measured by the number of stone houses in use
    • Settlement resumed in 2600-2300 BC, and it could have been about this time that the Ring of Brodgar itself was erected.

    The evidence keeps rolling in.

  • sir82

    Surely you know the JW response?

    "Worldly dating methods are inexact and often inaccurate. When we need to choose between their shaky findings and the impeccable chronology of the Bible, we will choose the Bible every time."

  • Crazyguy

    Ice core samples prove no global flood and they are accurate.

  • sir82

    Ice core samples prove no global flood and they are accurate.

    "Prior to the flood, there was a water canopy. That canopy shielded the earth from solar radiation, and thus the reading of ice core samples is inexact for dates prior to 2370 BCE."

    Wash, rinse, repeat.

  • cognisonance
    Prior to the flood, there was a water canopy.

    Except there is no evidence of this. I would think for this to be a valid argument it would require this assumption to be true. Of course JWs with their circular logic don't care about evidence despite loving to use the word evidently.

  • sir82

    Except there is no evidence of this. I would think for this to be a valid argument it would require this assumption to be true. Of course JWs with their circular logic don't care about evidence despite loving to use the word evidently.

    Genesis 6:11,12:

    And the rain poured down on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights. In the 600th year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the 17th day of the month, on that day all the springs of the vast watery deep burst open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. And the rain poured down on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights.

    "Evidently, it is reasonable to conclude that in order for there to be 40 days of rain earth-wide, there must have been a water canopy in place to hold all that water. This is consistent with the phrase 'the floodgates of the heavens'. This also would explain how there was never a day of rain on the earth prior to 2370 BCE."

    Gad - at one point in my life I would have saying this stuff in all sincerity.

  • sir82

    Guys - you'll never win a "flood" argument with a true believer.

  • nicolaou

    That is true sir82 but the goal shouldn't be to 'win' the argument.

  • Crazyguy

    Ice-core samples prove no water canopy for if there was there would not have been any ice. One can win an argument with a true believer because there is so much evidence it's undeniable.

  • _Morpheus

    One absolutely cannot win an argument with a true believer. A true believer will never consider evidence contrary to the bible and therefore never see reason.

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