Jackson's rose colored watch only cost $399, don't use it as an argument.

by Bad_Wolf 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sparky1

    I am a member of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors and have been for over 30 years. I have been collecting wristwatches longer than this. It is irresponsible to judge the value of a watch merely from pictures. One must hold the watch in their hands to determine the gold karat content or lack thereof and/ or to determine the metal composition of the case. The movement must be inspected also in order to determine whether or not it is genuine or a counterfeit. High resolution pictures could suffice to identify the watch but even pictures can be doctored.

    That being said, I agree that whether this is a $399.00 watch or a $17,000.00 watch, it shows poor empathy and hypocrisy on the part of the Governing Body (tm) members to coerce Sophia out of her ice cream money while wearing such a watch, even if the watch was a gift from an admiring wanna be Elder or groupie.


    Jackson's rose colored watch only cost $399, don't use it as an argument.

    That's more than the WBT$ paid for this Kingdom Hall, in Africa.

    Image result for kingdom hall africa

  • smiddy

    Their is no way in the world I would pay $399 for a watch and I bet the GB get their suits made by a talor and not off the rack (whereever) which are not cheap either.

    And none of them have jobs ,so its the contributions that pay for their livelihoods.{ clothing ,food,accomodation ,Air travel to conventions around the world ,did I say accomodation,pinky rings , watches ,etc. and not only for them but their wives also.,think about that .}

    I remember going back over 30 years ago somebody commenting on the new facilities of JW`s and how it had a grand staicase and it looked like a million dollars ,and the official respose back then was something like ,false religion spends big money on their institutions so the true God deserves the best that we provide outshining them.or words to that effect.

  • snugglebunny

    There's an art to choosing a watch. Rolex and Omegas are regarded as ostentatious by many. The more discerning wearer will probably opt for a Hamilton or if the wearer wants to be really understated he''ll choose an Ebel. I'm semi-ostentatious so I wear a Longines. Good shoes and a good watch says it all IMHO.

  • Nevuela
    Walmart of all places has many beautiful, efficient watches for under $20. I only paid $12 for mine, and it has an actual turquoise stone on it. The battery it came with has lasted more than a year so far, as did the previous one for an identical watch I lost. There is never an excuse to waste money like that. You can literally feed a family of three for an entire month on less than $400.
  • just fine
    just fine

    $400 for a watch is not that much. I have a Citzen watch that cost that much. But I didn't take a vow of poverty and I don't go around telling people to send all their money to me. I also agree that the prices previously were higher, and we don't know if it is solid gold or gold plated or any other variation.

  • _Morpheus

    Cost aside its the "newest latest greatest " digital technology that the gb constantly rail against and tell the rank and file not to buy. It set an incredibly poor example and is yet again "do as i say not as i do" buy the gb, just one of many things i saw first hand that drove me away.

  • Incognito

    Although the linked article is talking specifically about the 18 ca Gold edition, it states this: "These types of items are never purchased for practical reasons. They are bought for a very specific purpose: to display the wealth of the owner. It’s all about status."

    Even if GJ's watch is the less expensive version, it still portrays an illusion that it is an expensive version and the status elevating device, otherwise, why else would we be discussing this in these threads?

    Since WT continually tell JWs to lead a simple and non-materialistic lifestyle, why then is GJ not leading by example but is instead wearing a premium device intended to elevate his status?

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