by JT 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • czarofmischief

    wow. People have sucked for millennia!


  • JT
    IMHO the biblical "last days" are the same as similar references in other religious text. They all refer to the decline of a way of life, religious influence or world cosmology. The "end time" are like the labor pains that preceed a new born and I personally think we are seeing the destruction of many old ways, politically, and religously. The trick for us is to recognize what is on the ascent and what is on the decent.


    this is a perfect example of why this "Concept" of the last days is so interesting, the comments above shows how folks everywhere are always trying to EXPLAIN the "Meaning" of the last days and the very same way this poster has offered their explanation, this is the same way all religions who teach THE LAST DAYS DOGMA have done at some point in the past-- SOME dude or some woman offered an explanation and with the passing of time and acceptance by those who heard it, years later-- we have almost all major christian faiths putting forth their own version of the last days

  • JT
    wow. People have sucked for millennia!


    is it not amazing , esp when you sit back and take a serious look at it- yes for 1000's of yrs folks have been buying and selling the same pair of shoes-

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    The descendents of Genghis Khans Mongol hordes killed c. 35 000 000 of Chinese peasantry from 1311 to 1340

    Genghis Khan died 18 Aug 1227 so I'm not sure how good your source is in this one, JT.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'm wondering if 1311 is a typo and should be 1211 when the Mongols, under Ghengis, invaded the Chin Empire.

    I would like to know where that 35 million estimate came from, I haven't found anything to confirm that yet.

  • JT

    Black sheep, i got an email from a buddy of mine about the same thing, you guys are on the ball--

    so i will ck to see if i too can find the exact known date as well


  • nilfun
    The descendents of Genghis Khans Mongol hordes killed c. 35 000 000 of Chinese peasantry from 1311 to 1340.

    I think the author was referring to, not Genghis Khan, but his descendents (?)

    Anyway, let us know what you find out.

  • seedy3

    Yes I caught that right away nilfun, it does say Decendents not, Genghis himself. The Kahn's reached their peak in power and extent, not under Genghis, but under his son's and grandson's rules so putting further down the line the dates could be correct.


  • heathen

    I don't think there is any doubt that the apostles themselves believed they were living in the last days , I don't think jesus spent any time explaning the appointed times of the nations to them but continued to let them believe they were in the last days . He also said that noone knows the day or hour exept his father who was in heaven concerning the conclusion of this system of things . He did give a description in Luke 21:24-28 of some very strange events that take place . Most interesting hmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • SM62
    wow. People have sucked for millennia!


    Spot on! Going back to the Garden of Eden (for those that believe the Bible), I don't think evil entered the world when Eve chatted to a snake. I think it happened earlier on, as soon as God created Man. If he had just stuck with animals, imagine what a beautiful place the world would be. Terri

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