Literture offer for Dec.

by Rick Aust 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    In the DEC K/M of Australia, the Literture offer for December is "You can live forver" Book. I assume that the offer is the same in other countries.. I think it really shows how the WTS doesn't have respect even for its own version of Truth. The "Live Forever" supports the old theology of the "generations", which has being removed since 1995. They should at least destroy these books which teach what they don't even believe, but they seem to be interested in getting same money for them. If they respected there own theology they would refuse to sell these books that teach what they don't teach.

    regards Rick

  • Valis

    Maybe its easier for the average dub to spew the old new light versus swallowing and following the new new light...


    District Overbeer

  • little witch
    little witch


    I looked around the "official site" this morning for the first time, and noted that they are still teaching it there too!

    It says, " the end of this wicked system is near, before those of that (1914) generation passes away".

    Odd, isnt it? No wonder they dont want to confront the public at their doors!

  • metatron

    What, are you kidding? Truth and accuracy don't matter - and never have in this organization!

    The Society still offered books that contained Zionist ideas after they gave up on the idea. I guess they

    didn't want to waste them.( "Comfort for the Jews")

    Likewise, they still offered that "True Peace" book and other publications that featured the 1975 chronology

    - after it had been disproven by events ( or was it non-events?).


  • 95stormfront

    Guess they have a warehouse of unplaced book they've got to get paid for and rid themselves of. What better way than to make it the "offer of the month" and force those poor dubbies to pay for them if not through the counter when they pick them up, but also through the congregation as a monthly bill.

    New Light be damned !!!!!!

  • blondie

    Who really reads them anyway, and that is only the JWs!

  • stillajwexelder

    No No No -- you have got to stop thinking of the WTBTS as a religion -- it is a book publishing corporation -- then it all makes sense if you think this way --- they are like any good publishing company --they are getting rid of old stock -- so having a push on older publications and stuff like Live Forever is a great way of improving return on capital employed in the business -- getting rid of old stock is a good sensible thing to do - -- if you think of them as a religion -- nothing makes sense

  • simplesally

    Got to get rid of those books they have already printed. You'd think they would add a supplemental page to paste in or something, but nope. The Greatest Man book is out of date as well regarding the scripture at Luke where it talks about the signs of the heavens......then they have the picture of man made rockets/spaceships, etc. New light says the signs in the heavens are from God not from man. At the DC in 1993 this was revealed along with the new light about the generation and the verb "tote" (pronounce toe-tay).

  • Athanasius

    It doesn't surprise me. The Watch Tower publishing house had printed up so many copies of THE FINISHED MYSTERY, that they were still listing it in the cost list (a price book of Watch Tower publications that was sent out to the literature servants) until 1963. It was later in that year that they printed an announcemnt in the Kingdom Ministry that THE FINISHED MYSTERY was permanently out of stock.

  • Mysterious

    Even as a kid I understood that there were some weird teachings in the old books. Which was why I could never understand it when mom was trying to get me to go through old books and volumes and read them. When I asked her she said they were "still good".

    My guess is they need as many different "hooks" to try and lure people in as they can.

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