Thinking back......What could have been! (LONG)

by Turnpike Mike 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Turnpike Mike
    Turnpike Mike

    Hello, this is my first post. I have been trying to sign up to this board forever now and finally got it to work! I have been a lurker since August of 2002. I still kinda consider myself a Witness. I haven't been to a meeting since December of 02'. I went to the Memorial this past year but I don't count that as a meeting. I am begining to think back at my childhood and I am getting depressed thinking about what could have been.....

    Growing up, I was blessed with enormously fast legs. I was a very fast runner. I began rollerblading at age 8, and played football since I was a little kid. I became really good at football. I am not trying to brag or make myself sound really good. I played football all the time growing up. I watched football all the time as well. I dreamed of playing professionally. That was my secret goal.

    We would have congregation get-togethers and play tackle (not flag) football all the time. I became very good at football. In my early teenage years I remember making deep catches with no one in site (out ran them). I remember being 13 and my 18 year old brother running about 15 yards in front of me and I would catch up to him and tackle him. I remember making one handed diving catches. The one that haunts me now is the coment an elder made to me after playing football at a get-together:

    "Better not let the schools see you play. They are going to be all over you like hounds!"

    At the time, that comment didn't bother me. I was strong in the truth. I knew I couldn't play football in school, college, or professionally. I knew it was all just for fun. Until....

    High School came along. Freshman year I joined P.E. (gym class). The class was mixed with all grades. About 3 months into the year, it was time to play football. Boy was I excited! I never had anyone ask me why I hadn't joined the football team, until this day. I keep asking myself, "If you would have had another chance to do that day again, would you slack off?" My answer is: NO!

    Off we went to the Football field. My heart was pounding. This was the first time I would be playing football outside of the congregation. I began to think. Maybe I am no good. Maybe I just think I am good because I am playing against brothers from the hall and they suck. My head was spinning, but I was ready! I was pumped up inside.

    Here is my chance. Now I will know if I am any good. Teams are picked. They kick off and we recieve. We huddle. I tell our QB (who was a senoir in high school) kinda in a cocky voice, "I will be open deep" He looks at me and just shrugs his shoulders as if "yeah right". Calls the play and off to the line we go.

    HUT!.......I take off like a bat outta hell! My take off speed is unbeleiveable by the way. No one is in site! I am wide open running as fast as I can down the sideline. I look back...the QB has his sites locked in on me and releases the ball. My mind was racing as the ball aproached. "Better not drop this, you are wide open!!" Then it came. I caught it. Untouched to the endzone. Touchdown.

    We kick off to the other team. They huddle and run a few plays and score. Our ball. I tell the QB "look for me again, I will be open deep." Sure enough REPEAT! Touchdown! This time I hear people from both teams say 'Holy S**T!"

    Next time we have the ball they put two guys on me. Still out ran them. After that day I had tons of people asking me why I didn't join the football team. My answer to them was "I don't know" cause I was too embarassed to tell them I was a JW.

    My sophmore year comes. Still getting students asking me to join the football team. It wasn't until the end of the year when a "school party" was thrown that I made another football mistake. I didn't tell my parents about the party since it was during school hours so that I could actually go. The school threw the party at the football field and sure enough a football game got started. Tackle football. I did it again. I out ran them all. I caught amazing diving catches. I broke tackles. I was awesome. Not long into the game we all got in trouble for playing tackle football but I got my time to shine! It was unbelievable! Then came the football coach..........oops.

    'Can I talk to you tomarrow after school?'


    The next day came and into his office I went. He wanted to sign me up for next years football team. He saw me play and there was 'no way' he was not having me on the team.


    If only I had taken the advice the elder gave me 3 years ago. If only I hadn't let the school see me play. DAMN! What did I do? Crap! How was I going to respond to this one.

    'You'll have to ask my mom' I told him

    HA HA HA! What a stupid response! He was probaly thinking WTF! So he says 'Ok, i will give her a call.' I get home and get reamed for the coach calling. My parents had to give me a huge long lecture about how I can't play football for school because it is bad association and I should use that time for scriptual things. End of discussion.

    No football for me. Junior year comes. One of the star football players approaches me in the hall the first day of my junior year. 'Why aren't you going to play this year?'

    'Cause I can't'

    'Well, coach sent me to tell you that he wants you to play.'

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr! Here goes my hope to play again. I want to play even more after this, but I never play in high school. I wasn't allowed to even go to college, let alone play in college. No Professional football for me. My dream has ended. My goal gone. My future forever changed.

    I sit here. 23 years old. Thinking of how I would be graduating college. Entering the NFL next year, begining my professional dream. But I am not. Why? Because as a kid my dream, my goal, my future was not acceptable. I can't even begin to think about telling my kid that there dream is not acceptable. I begin to think about bad association. Can any JW really avoid it? NO.

    If JW's were to completely rid themselves of bad association then they wouldn't go out everymoring and knock on bad association's door. They wouldn't work each and everyday at there full or part time jobs with bad association. (Although some have found that they can clean floors and be there own company and not work with bad association. Smart MoFo's they are!!) So why can I now, work the 45-50 hours a week I work to make a living with bad association?? I couldn't live my dream because I would be around and associating with bad association but instead I am still around and associating with bad association. GRRRRRRRrrrrrrr!

    I constantly think to myself.....What could have been.

  • joelbear

    Unfortunately yours is a story I have heard too many times and have experienced for myself as well. I was a very good student in High School, especially in Mathematics. I had scholarship offers. But no, I had to pioneer after I graduated. I hated losing my opportunity to follow my dreams. I knew of one sister in my congregation that had turned down a scholarship to Julliard school of music to study opera. Now I am 45, finally about to finish college and pursue a new dream of mine to have a successful career in advertising. Some Advice. 1. Start training yourself to think of what could be. The future is your playground, go for it. 2. Don't get mired in bitterness. It will rot you from the inside out and will waste energy you could be putting toward following your dreams. 3. Set specific goals for yourself and reward yourself for achieving them. You are still very young. You can do anything you want to do. Take care Joel

  • joelbear

    Unfortunately yours is a story I have heard too many times and have experienced for myself as well. I was a very good student in High School, especially in Mathematics. I had scholarship offers. But no, I had to pioneer after I graduated. I hated losing my opportunity to follow my dreams.

    I knew of one sister in my congregation that had turned down a scholarship to Julliard school of music to study opera.

    Now I am 45, finally about to finish college and pursue a new dream of mine to have a successful career in advertising.

    Some Advice.

    1. Start training yourself to think of what could be. The future is your playground, go for it.

    2. Don't get mired in bitterness. It will rot you from the inside out and will waste energy you could
    be putting toward following your dreams.

    3. Set specific goals for yourself and reward yourself for achieving them.

    You are still very young. You can do anything you want to do.

    Take care


  • Sirona

    Hi Turnpike Mike,

    Welcome to posting on the board! I'm glad you did post.

    I know another guy who was very good at football (soccer...I'm in the UK), who lost out just like you did. He is unfortunately still a JW.

    I myself was destined for a great career from an early age, I excelled in everything and was top of every class I was in. I'm now in Mensa. What did I do at 16? I went to do a "practical skills" college course instead of pursuing higher education, because that is what the JWs told me to do. DOH. Now I'm struggling to afford to get my degree, aswell as working full time, and it will take me another 5 years to get it. (I'm 28).

    Like joel said, look to the future. You're still very young and there is never just one thing that you can do in life. You are very, very lucky that you're realising the truth about "the truth" at this stage in your life. There are people on this board who only realised when they were retiring and look back to a lifetime of wasted opportunities.

    About bad association - even non-JWs are wise to carefully choose their friends. Now that I'm free of the JW domination, I've managed to choose some really, really good friends who are actually better association than the JWs I know. Good people are out there, you know.


  • outbutnotdown


    I agree completely with Joel. It is hard to do, (because you have actually been cheated out of good, fair, reasonable opportunities) but try not to think of what could have been and focus on what you can do now.

    As far as bad association goes, I have a simlar story to yours, more academically than athletically, but what is bad association? Bad association is hanging around a bunch of negative, condemning people that tell you to look down on every other person in the world, other than themselves.......JW's. I know you said you consider yourself a JW still, and it may sound harsh to say that but, it is far more damaging to condemn than it is to condone. If you want to keep certain morals, great, do so. But we're all pretty equal in this big world and none of us have a right to judge others as harshly as the JW's do. The JW's, for the most part don't realize how spiritually limiting it is to be so negative to other humans that are really their equals, (I didn't 'till after I changed a lot of my previous close-minded thinking, so I know they don't know any better, either), but it is.

    Focus on the positive.......... what you can become and are becoming, not on what you are not yet, or on what you haven't become. Take care and remember, you're fortunate to have open-minded people here who will give you good, fair, reasonable advice.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Hey Mike,

    welcome to the forum


  • Gopher

    Welcome to the forum, Mike from Michigan.

    I'm a Vikings fan here -- and you'd sure fit in here as a complement to Randy Moss. Oh well.

    Surely you do have other talents and abilities, and that's what you gotta go with now (unless you can get an Arena League team tryout or something).

    Your story sounds like others I know -- but surely not me, I was usually one of the last ones picked when they chose up sides for softball or football.

    Anyhow, I hope you enjoy and benefit from this forum.

  • Turnpike Mike
    Turnpike Mike

    Thanks everyone for your responses to my post. I do understand that I am still young and have loads of time to pursue a new dream.Although I have not left the JW's completely yet, I still need to figure out what my new goal is and pursue it.

    Last night I was thinking about football and what could have been. I finally got this site to work for me and decided to let it out. This is an AWESOME site Simon and I really want to thank you for maintaining it and keeping it running.

    I have never been able to talk to anyone about my problems while growing up. Let me tell you, I had some pretty rough times. No one could really understand what I was talking about because they didn't go through what we went through as JW kids. But then I found this site...

    What a relief! Finally I can vent about my JW childhood and someone will know exactly what I am talking about. Finally I can vent about my young adult life as a JW and someone can relate!! Don't get me wrong. I could talk to my wife about these childhood horror's and problems I am having now, but I don't want to freak her out and have her think I am an apostate or something.

    I look foward to spending more time on this board and getting to know you all.

    Gopher- I am a Lions fan, (despite our horrible season so far) wouldn't have minded playing for the Vikes though.


    Turnpike Mike, that's a great post.

    Thinking about 'what could have been'.

    There's someone on this forum: won't name names, who was destined to be a professional baseball player, but...became a JW: that career and 'those dreams' disappeared.

    It's good to ask yourself those introspective questions.

    It's still not too late.

    But, it's entirely up to you, what you would like to do with your life, and your future.

    It's obvious, from what I read, you really LOVED football. And yes, the possibilities for you to become 'something', were definitely there.

    All too often as Jehovah's Witnesses, striving for anything out of the relegated JW lifestyle, is pretty much out of the question. A done deal.

    You have the 'present' and the ability to analyze this past scenario, and hopefully it will also allow you ask 'other questions', and discover them on your own terms.

    Wishing you well Turnpike Mike.

    Making a touch down in life, is within your grasp.

    You're 23, and still young. I wish I had your youth and vitality.

  • sf

    Hi there Mike,

    It is nice to be chatting w/ you in yahoo as we are here in this thread. (I love the internet and the many ways there are to INOCULATE THE WORLD when it comes to 'all things Watchtower').

    It is my theory that what you state in the quote below is WATCHTOWER HYPOCRISY AT IT'S FINEST!:

    If JW's were to completely rid themselves of bad association then they wouldn't go out everymoring and knock on bad association's door. They wouldn't work each and everyday at there full or part time jobs with bad association. (Although some have found that they can clean floors and be there own company and not work with bad association. Smart MoFo's they are!!) So why can I now, work the 45-50 hours a week I work to make a living with bad association?? I couldn't live my dream because I would be around and associating with bad association but instead I am still around and associating with bad association.

    Indeed, how can they state, AS FACT, that...

    "WE ARE NO PART OF THIS WORLD OF THINGS", when, IN FACT, they leech off of it daily. Bash it. Then cry 'PERSECUTION'.

    It amazes me to the point of hysteria when I WITNESS the jws in ACTION.

    Hang in there! You are RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE in this journey.

    Allow yourSELF to feel what rises up. And then come here and we will be a soft place to fall.

    Happy trails!!


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