WT seals it's own fate

by Waymores Ghost 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Waymores Ghost
    Waymores Ghost

    In it's quest to be the spotless, shining beacon for all the world to see, the WT's continuing policies regarding sexual/child abuse have produced the opposite effect. Common sense would tell you that if a religious organization had a policy of immediately requesting police to investigate when a victim comes forth with an accusation, outsiders could see that this kind of behaviour is not tolerated in the least. People would welcome that kind of transparancy.

    Actually, the WT sealed it's fate when it decided it could declare itself the only religious organization without blemish, because of course, IT is the ONE TRUE RELIGION. And how do we know this is the ONE TRUE RELIGION? Because it is without BLEMISH! Circular reasoning at it's finest! And it has worked for them quite well for a long time - as long as the masses never hear about $hit happening.

    But the Society has painted itself into a corner because with mass media now and especially the net, the org can no longer keep this stuff under the carpet. Major blemishes are now exposed for the whole world to see.

    Funny how lofty ambitions can kill you...


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    *Imagines scenes from the updated version of Return of the Jedi, with people celebrating, and toppling the Emperor's statue on Coruscant.*

  • Funchback

    Well said, Waymores, well said.

  • Gretchen956

    Problem is the rank and file see the news stories and they just think they are being persecuted. I think the circular reasoning has fried a few braincells. Its all just lies, you know, because Jehovah's people would never do such a thing. And even if they did you have to believe in Jehovah, not in his earthly organization.... gag me...

  • Waymores Ghost
    Waymores Ghost

    Hi Gretchen,

    You're right, most of the rank and file take this as the fulfillment of scriptural prophecy, and actually in a perverted sort of way, welcome it.


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