JW Prep Schools?!

by imallgrowedup 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit
  • expatbrit





  • imallgrowedup

    Expat -

    Great find!

    Kind of interesting to note that this school spent only $559 on educational materials, but that they claim over 100 students "attend" their school in different states. I don't think there is a teacher in this country that thinks that spending $5.59 per student per school year is nearly enough to ensure these children get a good education! In fact, this school spends 8 times the amount of money on office supplies than they do on educational materials ($4501 vs. $559)! *growedup shakes head*


  • Euphemism

    Wow! May I ask where you found that, expat?

  • Turnpike Mike
    Turnpike Mike

    I actually wanted to go to one of these schools when I was growing up. I didn't know they actually existed though, damn it!

    I always daydreamed in school thinking about how cool it would be to go to a school with all JW's and how I could date the girls at that school. MmmMmm how all the pretty girls from the assemblies would probaly go to that school and then I would be able to get to know them and date them. Damn.....if only I knew they existed.

  • imallgrowedup

    Turnpike -

    You might have come away with a girlfriend or two, but from the info Expat provided, it looks to me as if you wouldn't have come away with anything you could actually use in the real world - like math, reading, spelling, etc. Of course, I bet at that time in your life, it wouldn't have mattered to you!!!

    Welcome to the board, by the way!


    P.S. Expat - I'm with Euph. Are you comfortable sharing where you got the info? If not, no worries!

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