I don't think we should give up praying ever...

by Singing Man 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • greatteacher

    SingingMan, are you serious or are you being sarcastic? I'm a newbie, so I don't know you too well, that's why I'm wondering. Because if you're being sarcastic it's kind of funny, if you're serious, it's even funnier.

  • drwtsn32
    Because if you're being sarcastic it's kind of funny, if you're serious, it's even funnier.


  • sens
    Automatically "prays"?? when you turn your car on, and continues till you turn it off!

    Ive seen some stupid sites in my time, but that just about tops it...no wait...benny hinn's site is still number 1. on the stupid meter. I was just reading this...which Yer is on the same level as the praying doorchimes...


    "I remember the first time I ever saw evangelist Jan Crouch on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). She was telling about the time she and hubby Paul were all set for a trip to the Holy Land, but she didn't have the wash done yet because the washing machine wouldn't work. So she said that she got down on her knees, put her hands on the washing machine, and said, "Lord, I just know you're going to heal this washing machine." And lo and behold, the washing machine went "rumph, rumph, rumph" and started working just fine. Isn't that something? People suffering, in desperate need, pray for miracles in vain, and Jan Crouch has God fixing washing machines for her."


    ~ Sens ~

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    I must be the only one who notices the advertisements that come up with these threads. This one was absolutely nutty:


    Automatically "prays"?? when you turn your car on, and continues till you turn it off!

    That's nearly the funniest thing I've seen this holiday season... I want to get one just to say I have it!

    My husband has a collection of 'inapprorpiate but well-meaning' images of Jesus, including a velvet painting of Jesus--arms outspread over a 18 wheeler, a Jesus action figure, porcelain statues of kids playing football and skiing with Jesus, and many other interesting things...

    I don't think this fits the collection criteria, really, but it sure is funny!

  • SanFranciscoJim

    If it is true, as the Bible says, that God sees what is in the heart of man, I have never been able to understand the formality of prayer.

    Does God distinguish when someone repeats the "Lord's Prayer" verbatim without taking time to understand the meaning of the words, from someone in pain or fright who cries out "Oh, God!", to someone who angrily swears "God darn it!", to someone who says a heartfelt missive to the Creator?

    How does one tell the difference between feeling the actual presence of God in prayer from deluding onesself into believing in that presence?

  • shotgun

    I'm sending my prayers to Bruce Almighty because he says yes to everything.

    Other than that, prayers to me are the same as talking to yourself because that's what your doing.

    But hey...if it helps....besides lots of people talk to themselves.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I promise to never give up praying, if I ever start praying.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    he can ansure them in other planes of time that we don't understand and that we will be in latter in our life or possibly in some other dimension.

    Not so sure about that, but I do believe He listens and answeres prayers.

  • Quotes

    I'm going to pray for a new god to believe in! I hope my prayer is heard. Maybe in time for Christmas (a.k.a. Newton's birthday).

  • lurk

    if theres multi dimentions the perfect me already exsists.


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