How To Test a J.W.'s Loyalty/Stupidity

by The Searcher 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "Would you do absolutely anything which the Governing Body instructed you to do? For example, sell your home and possessions, move in with another Witness, and send all your money to the Org?"

    If 'No', they're showing that they will pick and choose which Org directives they will follow. Potential wedge is there.

    If 'Yes', get out of firing range very quickly!

  • punkofnice
    If 'No', they're showing that they will pick and choose which Org directives they will follow. Potential wedge is there.

    I think that's a majority of JWs I ever knew.


    My wife yelled, " I would follow the Slave!!!", when asked that question. I think her cult-self was speaking.

    JWs supposedly long for the end of this system, but they love TV, movies, big cities, art, ect. They are true victims of cognitive dissonance. They can't separate wanting an end to human suffering, which all humans want, from the "shelved ideas" from YHWH, I mean, the GB....


  • blondie
    They always have excuses for themselves but judge others very harshly. "do you practice what you preach?"
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    punkofnice - an ever-increasing number these days!
  • OneEyedJoe

    I don't think asking this is really a test of their loyalty so much as their honesty. Asking something like this is overtly backing them into a corner and many JWs will feel forced to toe the line. When you push someone like this and force them to affirm their loyalty (even if they're only saying it and wouldn't actually follow through) you're actually doing more harm than good. If they profess loyalty in spite of having some reservations, this will cause cognitive dissonance which will then have to be resolved by them bringing their thoughts in line with what they've said (they can change their feelings but they can't change what's already been said).

    I made this mistake with my wife at one point - asking if she'd take a cyanide pill if the GB somehow managed to cherry pick some scriptures to justify it and she said she would. Meanwhile she'll watch shows like true blood and masters of sex, etc. Her loyalty isn't absolute, but she'll profess that it is to prevent me from finding a crack that I can drive a wedge into.

    It might be 'fun' to joke about but I wouldn't recommend actually doing this with anyone that you care about. It's unlikely to give you accurate information on their commitment to the cult and antagonizing people will only further damage your relationship with them.

  • cappytan
    I made this mistake with my wife at one point - asking if she'd take a cyanide pill if the GB somehow managed to cherry pick some scriptures to justify it and she said she would.

    Perfect opportunity to ask, "So, if that's true, how is it not a cult?"

  • StarTrekAngel

    While I can't necessarily provide any facts, I am pretty sure that those who say "yes" when they are cornered like that, are the ones who won't actually do it. While those who say "no" are the ones that are more likely to let the guard down at the time of indoctrination and they will be way to deep in by the time they realize what they are being asked to do.

    It is a simple question in plain sight, however, most do not consider that such command (to drink the poison) will never come out of the blue or will never be as obvious as you put it to your wife. The people of Jonestown trained periodically with fake suicide drills before the actual act happened. So it is easy to answer either way, but the truth won't really come out until you are the crossroad.

  • Closer to Fine
    Closer to Fine
    Not too long ago my husband entered the room I was in and announced "yes, I will drink the kool-aid" and then walked out. I was surprised obviously and I had no idea why he said it. Although the subject has come up before, we hadn't spoken of religion for weeks. He had been on the phone a lot that week with his siblings (the uber jw ones) so I assume the subject came up. Strange though, I didn't think jw's would ever talk about possibly receiving that direction from the gb, since it such a cult sign. His siblings are pushing really hard to get him back in. It's so sad cause he is miserable and doesn't see why. He's been basically inactive (only attended random meetings and memorial) for over 20 yrs and he was so much happier then. We had a normal life for many years. He claims now that he was never happy with what I "talked" him into doing. I beg to differ as I have pictures of him wearing a santa hat passing out gifts and he has a big smile on his face. He also used to love to decorate the outside of the house with lights, etc.
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    OneEyedJoe - I wouldn't hesitate to ask this of any J.W. who was trying to back me into a corner with their entrapment question.

    If they said 'No', then I'd ask them what right do they think they have to question my loyalty to the G.B.

    If they said 'Yes', then I'd tell them to seriously think about what they'd just said, and give them some unpleasant examples.

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