Where do members of the Governing Body and their wives Live ? Not their actual addresses of course. however ?..........

by smiddy3 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy3

    I`m just curious about the lifestyle they themselves are enjoying compared to the millions of followers they have in the Jw religion.Do any of the GB members have private homes that they own and live in ? Or do they and their wives live in a communal arrangement .? If they do have private homes they own and live in what type of suburb/area do they live in ? Obviously not a slum area,but maybe an up market area.?

    Many if not most of the rank & file JW`s worldwide live in poor conditions ,3rd world nations and even in first world nations many are on social security ,aged pensions and what not.

    Also do any of them own a holiday house where they can chill out when the stress gets too high ?

    I would love to know this ,it could be a real eye opener .

    I hope you can help.

  • dozy

    The days of "Beth Sarim" (Rutherford's palatial home in San Diego) are long gone.

    Basically the GB live in the same apartments that the normal Bethelites do , though Ray Franz wrote that due to their seniority , the GB generally have the choice of the nicer rooms with the best views.

  • sir82

    They are all in the Watchtower compound, er, headquarters, in Warwick NY.

    As Dozy noted, they have the same style apartments as pretty much any other Bethelite. But they also get the first pick of which ones they want, so they undoubtedly have the ones with the nice lake views.

    "Luxury living" only happens when they travel for conventions, branch dedications, etc. They sure don't stay in a "Motel 6"!

  • LongHairGal


    Whatever they’ve got, it is paid for by contributions from people who go out and work for a living at a secular job and are knocked for doing so.

    Everybody should be out in the misery (oops I meant ministry) 24/7..Anybody who isn’t could not possibly be spiritual.🙄. Money grows on trees and people don’t need college. Right?

  • millie210

    Somebody here had links to a very exclusive enclave where some of the Governing Body have homes

    It was just outside NYC. might have been in New Jersey?

  • nowwhat?

    Lakeside view condo type Apts. At their hdqtrs.

  • LV101

    Their digs can't be too shabby - someone reported each member/spouse has the privilege of working w/the country's most renown interior designers re/ordering furnishings and decor. I have a feeling their apartments aren't quite the same as the bethelites -- maybe years ago when they were in amassing wealth/real estate mode and staying under the radar. They're the upper echelon of one of Forbes top cos -- or were and I doubt they're on a budget.

    LongHair - free rent for sure along with all the other amenities - they must have nice balconies for their lakeside views - so much for nickel plants being toxic! Free alcohol, Rolexes to Thor knows what. I'm sure their attire is very expensive. They did have an airplane that was for fishing runs so they must have (or had) a shack tucked away in the wilders -- who knows what else.

  • Finkelstein

    The reason why the men of the GB are so self indulgently corrupt is very much related to their privilege and status within the organization.

    They make the decisions to nullify other people's positions like branch heads and send them packing which has happened many times as of late. They live the best lives of all the higher ups in traveling around the world living in the best accommodations treated like celebrities wherever they go and their own unique position never goes away until they die.

    Hows that for a retirement plan ?

  • smiddy3

    And I was told before I converted that everybody was treated the same no one was treated any better than anyone else .the person on the platform giving the talk sat down beside you after finishing his talk and was treated no differently.

    How gullible i was .

  • LongHairGal


    Don’t blame yourself. They out and out lied. I remember being told “everybody is equal” and they have “no clergy class”.

    That’s two lies right there. No, everybody is not equal and they DO have a clergy (in plainclothes)..Hell, they even try to claim Ecclesiastical Privilege so as not to have to divulge what criminal JWs have revealed to them.

    If they were honest and put all their cards on the table, we never would have joined the religion.

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