Did you have a relationship with your friend Jehovah?

by Nosferatu 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow


    I tried; but he was just so poised and ready to zap me or open up the earth and swallow me at the drop of a hat. I just never felt accepted by him or worthy of him and so I hardly ever prayed. I am learning to pray to someone I call the creator now.


  • GentlyFeral


    I tried; but he was just so poised and ready to zap me or open up the earth and swallow me at the drop of a hat.

    You know, what kills me is that this is exactly the way I felt about the Jeezus of the fun-damn-mentalist churches. This is what kept me an atheist until I was seventeen, and the jaydubs told me that the hellfire doctrine was all bulls***. (Not their phrasing, haha.)

    So I thought that meant that Jehovah was compassionate and loving and sympathetic, unlike the god of "Christendom." It is to laugh.


  • dins

    All I know is that if the Big J was my friend and all in control of everything, I wouldn't have been so tormented, picked on, and slapped around by other kids on an almost daily basis in middle school because of what "I was."

    Jehovah was never real to me, even though I was born into "the truth." He always seemed angry and disapproving of everything anybody did and came across as rather arrogant in the scriptures. A JW friend of mine recently gave me the new publication Draw Close to Jah and browsing through it out of interest, I can see it's still the same old bunk that was forced on me for many years. My friend insists that it's not the organization or the people (hmmm..thought the saying was JW was a perfect organization) but you relationship with Jah. That being said, I counter the question of if that's indeed right, why insisted that the JWs are the only right religion? The old argument I always use is there's many ways to get somewhere, just depends on the route you take.

    Has anyone seen the new publication Draw Close yet? Perhaps I'll share with you some of the ridiculous comments.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Yes, I have a relationship with my Creator. I give him thanks everyday for another day of life. How does he answer me, nature with all it's LIFE, it speaks to me and I listen.

    You say he doesn't exist? Well, let me tell you something, I've performed many helpful services for people who EXIST and you know what, some never said thank you. I have been let down many times and I will continue to be let down by people, but I will never give up in having faith in my Creator!

    The kind of God you talk about it is not the same as my Creator. In my culture we don't call him God but rather, 'One who made us.' To each their own.

    Guest 77

  • Vivamus

    Did you have a relationship with Jehovah?

    Yap, I did. But I also cheated on him and left him.


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • shamus

    Sure I did.

    Too bad that the Jehovahs Witnesses made Jehovah a horrible person to me. And it was all one sided.

    I remember that talk about making friends... LOL! "Jehovah is always your friend... he won't ever let you down... "


    When your only relationship is with "Jehovah" then you need help living in the real world, that's for sure. He sure ain't gonna help ya!

  • FlyingHighNow
    So I thought that meant that Jehovah was compassionate and loving and sympathetic, unlike the god of "Christendom." It is to laugh.

    Yeah, I fell for that one, too. The funny thing is, I never believed in hell. I still don't. I was in my late teens when I started studying with JWs. I'm thinking, "Wow, John Lennon was right, there is going to be a world living as one, a brotherhood of man." I felt that's how things should be and then John's song came out and I thought, "Cool, I'm one of the 'us' John is singing about." I met the JWs and thought, "Cool, they are some of 'us', too."

    The problem is that JWs took my mostly healthy view of God and replaced it with this sick, jealous, bloodthirsty guy who was going to kill billions of pretty good folks just because they weren't JWs. No wonder I developed severe depression. My head and heart ache when I think of the control I gave in to and that two of my siblings are still trapped.

    You say he doesn't exist? Guest 77

    Who do you mean by he? Jehovah is the god in question here. Are you talking about Jehovah or our creator? I believe in our creator. I do not believe in the JW WTBTS Jehovah. I think if you look back at the thread topic title and the responses you will find people here are discussing the JW Jehovah.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77


    As I said, in my culture the word 'Sonkwaiatison' (Mohawk) differs with the title, God, it's personal not abstract. I do not fear any wrath or condemnation from my Creator. My respect for my Creator is the same respect I have for my mother and father. I do not call my parents by their first names. I have a personal attachment.

    I have no objection if people make Donald Duck or Bugs Bunny their God. Do you agree that we must believe in something even if that means ourselves? Respecting peoples opinions and beliefs is a customary thing for me. You gotta agree that this topic can go on forever, as I say, to each their own.

    Guest 77

    Guest 77

  • FlyingHighNow
    You gotta agree that this topic can go on forever, as I say, to each their own.

    Guest 77

    Yes, I agree. I personally believe in a higher power, our creator. I believe in the father I knew as a tiny girl before anyone poluted my idea of him. And of course we should always respect each other and each other's beliefs. I see now that you are speaking from the Native American point of view. I have some Native blood and maybe my views of the creator are similar to theirs naturally. I really should read more about their ideas. It would be interesting to compare.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Flyinghighnow, yes, I would be interested in your native heritage. How about filling me in? You could PM me. Thanks.

    Guest 77

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