Religious fanaticism is a great breeding ground for pettiness

by Waymores Ghost 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Waymores Ghost
    Waymores Ghost

    Hi gopher,

    :Some of them said "fortunate" instead of "lucky", as if that made a big difference.

    splitting hairs, as usual.

    We couldn't wear coloured shirts on the platform...except for light blue or grey conservative shades.


    P.S. Thanks for the welcome

  • Maverick

    I was an MS in one Hall and the CO shuffled everyone around in the circuit to have you go to the Hall near where you lived. At the new I did well. The next CO, Clayton Peace, would not recommened me for being an Elder because, a) I had a mustache and, b) I wore cowboy boots! Even the brothers at the Hall were shaking their heads at this guy! When I went out in service with this joker the next time he came through, I noticed his foot gear looked very ratty. I asked him about his reasons for not recommending me. He said I did not present a good image to the flock. I told him I was in an accident and have a scar on my face and that is why I have a mustache and as for my footwear, I pointed to my boots and told him that my $350 Justins were spotless and polished while his shoes looked like he stole them off the back of a car with "Just Married" soaped on the windshield! He was not a happy camper and would hardly even acknowledge me at the Hall after that! Maverick

  • Hapgood

    Welcome Waymers Ghost! As to the pettiness in our congregation I could write a book!

    We had a ms (elder wannabe, that finally made elder) stand in the back of the hall and count all that made trips to the restroom during the meetings. So of course I made several trips just to make sure I was counted several times :-). They even had a special needs talk on not using the restroom during the meetings unless it was really necessary, something about if we had outhouses instead we surely wouldn't be making trips to the toilet unless it was an emergency.

    Another ms (elder wannabe, that finally made elder) was on some kind of vendetta that all should wash their hands after using the toilet (which is a good policy, by the way). There was a special needs talk on this also. He drew some pictures of hands and the cycle of germs when hands aren't washed, he framed and hung these pieces of artwork in both restrooms of the kh to remind us all to wash our hands. I felt like I was in kindergarten.


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