Watchtower July 22 - JWs being interrogated need to muzzle their mouths

by Listener 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Listener

    The Watchtower has printed a disturbing article about self control and gives this instruction to the R & F

    Self-control also allows us to remain silent when opposers try to trick us into revealing things that could endanger our brothers and sisters. This might occur when we are being interrogated by the police in a land where our work is banned or restricted. We can apply the principle to “guard [our] mouth with a muzzle” in these and other situations as well. (Ps. 39:1)

    One common way in which authorities would try to trick a person into divulging information is by threatening them or their family and friends. It could be physical harm, material harm or something else. The Watchtower is telling them to shut up if the information might, not will, but might, endanger other JWs. How would they be endagered? Possibly just rounded up and interrogated as well.

    But this instruction applies not only to JW men, but to females and teenagers.

    It's not up to the Watchtower to decide when and how JWs should act when caught up by the higher authorities. It is up to the individual, their own conscience after weighing up what they perceive as risks.

  • Atlantis


    Click image to enlarge.

  • Biahi

    Especially elders, when being asked by the police, where the records are kept about the CSA.

  • BluesBrother

    I would not expect the Wt to say that - “ it is up to you whether or not you rat out your brothers to an opposing authority. “

    Actually this comment reads like it came from a 1950s Watchtower. They still have a persecution complex. It shows they still view the outside world as the enemy, just waiting to pounce.

  • TonusOH

    They are aiming this at anyone who might leak info to exJWs, which then gets broadcast on YouTube and Twitter and Reddit, etc. They're not just reminding the loyal membership to be on their guard, they are warning everyone not to leak embarrassing or incriminating info to 'opposers,' who are eager to use it to discredit the organization.

    And, as with anything they try to teach, the lack of self-awareness is always present:

    Although difficult to hear at first, a friend's honest comments are what will benefit us in the long run.

    "But don't you even think of offering an honest comment to an elder or --heaven forbid!-- a GB member. Just keep telling us how awesome we are... or else."

  • Listener

    Thanks Atlantis for the scan of the Watchtower article.

    Blues Brothers, I can only remember them relating examples of what other JWs have done and praised them for their actions under persecution. I don't recall where they have said that they need to remain silent under questioning is it might put other Brothers and Sisters in the spotlight.

  • Terry

    A phrase that can mean anything means nothing.

    The SIGNS of the times are ALWAYS identifiable as NOW because they are always present
    to be singled out and magnified for fear-mongering.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have not seemed to notice that their leaders are resorting to an old retail trick
    called the GOING OUT OF BUSINESS sale gimmick.

    FOMO (fear of missing out) is a real grabber. The fear of End Times and Great Tribulation and Armageddon
    is a sales gimmick.
    The Kingdom Halls grow fat (for a while) and when a great big NOTHING happens - well, some leave but most
    people have settled in and will not leave. Cognitive Dissonance takes hold and excuses are made.

    I know about 50 JW's who are at least as old as I am (75) who are stuck like dinosaurs in the La Brea Tar Pit
    who may struggle but who cannot free themselves.
    They just "Wait on Jehovah" like "Waiting for Godot".

    These ancient JW's have had practically NO LIFE AT ALL except the routines of meetings, service, self-reinforcement (fellowship), and overwork. They look awful and have no energy.

    But you know what? The GB is still running that GOiNG OuT OF BUSINESS SALE like "this" time is different.

    Last Days.
    Last part.
    Last part of the last part.

    Blah blah blah.

  • Drearyweather

    "Opposers" do not always mean police authorities. This comment in the WT is more applicable to areas where religious fundamentalism runs rampant.

    A few years ago, in my neighboring congregation, 2 publishers were rounded up by a mob of 30 people while in the field. Under pressure, one of them ratted out the Coordinators name and address to the mob, which then went and trashed the poor elder and his teenage son. He still suffers from a fractured ear drum.

    Many JW's live in places where mob justice precedes police interrogations.

    This is just one of the many cases that happened in India. I believe this is true in many other countries as well.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    To use the old phrase "Theocratic Warfare".


  • Biahi

    Terry, sorry, I meant to hit ‘like’ and hit dislike instead. So, it’s not a real ‘dislike’ on you comment. 🤷‍♀️

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