e-watchman responds!

by czarofmischief 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlanB

    I agree with comments on Ray, never met him, however the book came over as genuine and explained a lot of odd stuff I had often wondered about.

    Who is e-Watchman anyway? My impression is that it is run by an 'apostate' in the true sense of the word, in that I get the impression he is masqurading as a genuine JW, yet I suspect is trying to sow seeds of doubt in an underhand way. There is no way a genuine witness would run such a site.

    The difference being in this site is that we are on the whole totally honest about who we each as individuals are, our standing and what we each individually think and often disagree with each other, which in my view is healthy.


  • avishai
    ...he is aman of integrity -- not like e-watchman

    I Know e-watchman, and I can say the same thing; and then?

    I don't know either personally, but e-watchman is obviously a whackjob false prophet.

  • skiz

    This self appointed savior of the BOrg has made a fool of himself with his inability to get past his fear of Ray Franz as a threat to the throne of leadership, of the disgruntled BOrg drones, that he covets for himself. Much like the BOrg, he sees Ray as a threat to his own perceived powerbase and looks to discredit him in any way he can imagine. I think it would be a waste of time to analyze his words about Ray, anymore than has already been done on this thread

    However, I would like to comment on e-watchman?s confusion about agnostics

    What does Ray Franz stand for anyway? Okay, so he left the Watchtower, now what? What is the truth? He admits that he is not really sure. He advises a wait-and-see approach, much like the atheist or agnostic who shrugs off any commitment to search for the truth by saying 'we'll find out when we die.'

    E-watchman is confused by the honesty, shown by agnostics, when they admit not knowing something. In his confusion, he concludes that an agnostic ?shrugs off any commitment to search for the truth?. It certainly is true that placing your faith in something is making a commitment, but e-watchman appears to think that faith is the only commitment.

    Are there agnostics that use their stand as an excuse to ?shrug off? searching for an unselfish path of integrity in life ?

    Yes, certainly

    Are there people of faith that use their beliefs as an excuse to ?shrug off? searching for an unselfish path of integrity in life ?

    Yes, certainly and probably a larger percentage than agnostics

    There is no group that holds the exclusive on being selfish and lazy !

    Franz has no burning passion for truth. He demonstrates no commitment to the glorification of Jehovah God. Franz and men like him are exactly described by Jude as "stars with no set course, for which the blackness of darkness stands reserved forever."

    It?s telling that he attempts to judge Ray?s motivation instead of sticking to an assessment of the correctness of Ray?s conclusions

    An agnostic also ?demonstrates no commitment to the glorification of Jehovah God?. Therefore e-watchman would conclude that the agnostic also ?has no burning passion for truth?

    I don?t believe that e-watchman knows the difference between being honest enough to admit that many important truths are not known and having ?no burning passion for truth?

    Of course, e-watchman resorts to the ?tried and true? tactic of all judgmental and selfrighteous people, he condemns those that disagree with him. Those that disagree with e-watchman?s interpretation of ?God?s Word? are darkened ?stars? and ?the blackness of darkness stands reserved forever?

    Ultimately, who we choose now for our guide will determine whether we reach our goal of salvation or not.

    Once again, nothing new here. Pressure tactics of a salesman. ?who we choose now for our guide?

    Now is the only opportunity to choose correctly and save yourself

    Discount all of the confusing claims by one religion after another after another

    You MUST have choose a ?guide? and you MUST choose now

    Don?t worry about the lack of evidence and especially evidence that contradicts the ?guide? that?s trying to ?sell? itself

    Don?t require your ?guide? to make sense or use sound logic

    Don?t ask too many questions and make sure the ones you do ask aren?t ?hard? ones

    ?Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain?

    The watchman sees the agnostic as a selfish, slovenly, lazy creature that shrugs off commitment, has no reason to search for anything, and has no use for a burning passion for truth

    But who?s the person that throws the dart at a peg board covered with the names of all of the religions of the world ?

    Does locking yourself into the religion struck by the dart show a ?searching? ? How about a ?burning passion for truth? ?

    There?s really not much that can be learned by listening to the ranting of a person as confused as the e-watchman. I hope he finds peace in life. I hope the path he chooses to follow doesn?t enslave him permanently. No amount of effort will help someone that doesn?t want to help themselves

    My path is much different from his. And I think I?ll wave goodbye to him and move on


  • AlanF

    After reading E-Watchman's latest rantings from the links posted here, I'm certain that he's the fomer poster "You Know". The similarities between the two are far too numerous to be coincidental.

    You Know claims to be "of the anointed", and long ago it became evident that he's very unhappy with the fact that his "brothers" in Brooklyn don't recognize his superior talents and use them to the full. But in this case I think that even people as spiritually braindead as Jehovah's Witness leaders can recognize a nutcase when they see one in the form of You Know. It's obvious that E-Watchman's website is his attempt to gather a following, which could create precisely the sort of "divisions" he accuses Ray Franz of fomenting. In the manner of "prophets" who see themselves as God's spokesmen, You Know is too full of himself to realize his hypocrisy. Or his folly.


  • sf

    Let's try this again...

    Experiencing Worship: Message Boards: General: Jehovah Witnesses ...
    ... Please, let us help them, for they have been terribly misinformed. Thank you, Clara
    www.e-watchman.com www.watchman.org. Link: www.e-watchman.com. Message Thread. ...
    www.experiencingworship.com/boards/ general/messages/188.html - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

    http://profiles.yahoo.com/ewatchman {female}

    http://profiles.yahoo.com/e_watchman {no 'sex' stated}

    This one DID exist as of yesterday, yet has since been 'pulled':

    http://profiles.yahoo.com/e-watchman {male}


  • Loris
    Likely the sect of Nicolaus accepted much of the teachings of the apostles but differed only in a few key doctrines?or perhaps just one. At any rate, the sect posed a very real spiritual danger to Christ's congregation.

    And E-Watchman is different from the sect of Nicolaus how? He accepts much of the teachings of the WT and differs in a few. He is undermining the authority of the WT, seeking to have followers of his own.

    Great thread!


  • AlanB

    Yea, interesting thread.

    Why should we need some form of guide or leader anyway, one thing I really find liberating after leaving the WT is that I can think exactly what I like and change my own mind when I feel the need. I refuse to belong to any other religion or follow any other teacher as that would limit my thinking. Am I agnostic I dont know?

    Also it occurs to me that the mental health of anyone who claims to have been anointed by god and seeks to build up a following for himself must be held in question. Smacks of a form of meglomania resulting from religious oppression to me.

    Finally, whilst many JW's may accuse us of believing every opostate teaching, this thread has demonstrated that we are all able to think quite freely for ourselves.


  • czarofmischief

    I have conducted a diligent search of e-watchman's site, seeking the reference where he made his prediction that war between Iraq and the United States was unlikely due to e-watchman's understanding of Bible prophecy. I have been unable to locate where he said it. Therefore, unless further research brings this false prediction to light, I will have to withdraw my statement about it. Not because I am admitting that e-watchman didn't say it, but I am unable to locate where he did so.

    According to my recollection, it was in the weeks just before the war, as troops built up and the 'shock and awe" press blitz was reaching frenetic heights. It was in the mailbag, in response to a question from readers.

    However, because I have not been able to find it - I must withdraw this as a case example of e-watchman's false predictions. However, rest assured that I will be going over all of e-watchman's writings VERY carefully and cutting and pasting every prediction he makes from here on out. One false step, and I shall lay him bare for all to see.

    CZAR of the "Hm, digital files are even easier to edit according to 'new light' than the latest WT concordance" class

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