ExJW from La France !

by jwrogue1914 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwrogue1914

    Hi everyone,

    Long time lurker here. I've been out for 8 years this very month. Today is an important date for me because i'm posting on this forum for the first time and i just post my first video on YouTube yesterday (channel : JW ROGUE) The channel is in French but you can activate the subtiles. Go check if you have time. I'd appreciate your reviews.

    Back to this forum. When i exit the religion in 2015/2016 i uses to raid this forum several times a day and ingurgitate as much YouTube vidéos as i could( John Cedars, WhatsupWatchtower,Susan Gaskin, Marc & Cora, and so on) I needed to validate that i was right and to feel part of a community again. Those days are gone and i don't need my exjw fix everyday. But i regret that i never gave any comment nor likes on the videos nor comments or any help on this forum. So i'm gonna try to do my part now. By adding my voice on the exjw french community and by sharing parts of my story if anyone interested.

    3 more things about me : I dont show my face on YouTube cause my mother is still in and even if she is a hardcore shunner and that we rarely talk i dont think she's ready for it !

    I still hold a Christian perspective but i keep it to myself and don't promote anything i'm not and probably will never be certain of.

    I feel that some of us had or are still having traumatic experiences with the religion. When i think back , i had a good overall experience. I had good times with my then friends (parties, holidays,conventions,etc) and some values that kept me out of the streets and out of troubles. I was a true believer but sometimes i remember when i had to quickly make up my watchtower to look "spiritual", when i was" on the field" with some friend pretending to ring the bell or when i knew about some elder's children "sinning "very very bad , i mean sinning with a vengeance 😀 i also had some downs and some persistant doubts along the way but thats another story.

    That's all for now. Stay positive.Take care.

  • NotFormer

    Welcome! You're no stranger, so you obviously don't need to have everything explained about what happens here and what to expect. It's good see that you have decided to "give back" in making exJW content.

    Do your best to keep your anonymity until you're in the right place otherwise. There's no point making it easy for the bastards to make your life difficult.

  • wantingtruth


    I am glad to find that you are still a Christian ... a Christian is one who obey Father and His King, Jesus Christ.

    I have the pleasure to recommend you some French quotes from Bible ..

    ~~~... Protège ton cœur - Pourquoi? ...~~~

    (click on words above )

  • Vanderhoven7

    Welcome back to the forum jwrogue

    I will check out your channel.

    Be blessed.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Welcome! Wow, I remember when after years of “lurking” I first posted here. Congratulations on the progress you have made.


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