Appealing a Disfellowshipping

by Nosferatu 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes -- a young MS who was actually disfellowshipped after confessing to masturbation. When the CO heard about it he counselled the elders on the JC -did not even bother forming an appeal committee and said it should not have even been a judicial case --even though lack of self control was involved. This was mentioned at a Kingdom Ministry school in the early 1990s off memory

  • sandy
    The logic is an appeal committe doesn't retry a case, it just looks for any outstanding mistakes the 1st committe may have done.

    I believe this is how the appeals process works in the secular courts. At least where I work...Children's Court.

  • simplesally

    One reason appeals don't work is because the elders think its no big deal if there is an error on their part. They believe its not a big deal to be out of the org for 6 months to a year. I remember being df'd and before the announcement, one of the elders told me that the time would go by so fast, that in 6 months I could write a letter and before I knew it, I'd be back.


  • yxl1

    I was told that it was within my rights to make any appeal, but if the appeal commitee agreed with the original commitee, then it would be almost impossible for me to be reinstated at a later date. Being a child, I didnt realise I was being bullied into not appealing because they had such a flimsy case against me.

  • Sassy

    simplesally.. IF you had wanted back in.. you SHOULD have had grounds for appeal.. what happened to you was so wrong..

    Simon, I can't believe they could do that... I can't believe you didn't have grounds or were given an opportunity to be at the CM.

    I figure that I will get that soon.. I won't take calls from the elders if they do call or stop by.. so they will end up having to write a letter to me telling me that I have to go to a meeting at a specific time or I'll be dfd.. They did that to my ex. He wrote them some letter.. not sure what it said but an elder later told me it tied their hands. He didn't DA himself, but legally they couldn't DF him either without talking to him..

    I have to admit I'd love to know what he wrote. Of course confidentially I wasn't even supposed to know that much.

  • Narkissos

    Well, I did try the appeal procedure, just for the fun of it.

    In the first place, the judicial process began shortly after a friend of mine and I partook in the Memorial. A few weeks later, we had the surprise of receiving not one but two COs in the local congo. We were first summoned, without any allusion to the Memorial thing, but with the following concern: "Well, guys, we're hearing you talk a lot about Jesus." A few days afterwards we were called before a JC made up of local elders, and had to answer by yes or no to a series of questions (about 1914, the "two hopes" stuff, and so on). This ended by disfellowshipping on the grounds of 2 John 9-11 (stepping forward from Christ's teaching).

    As I found the motive rather funny in view of the context, I did appeal. On the appeal Committee, one week or so later, the two COs were sitting. I remember I burst laughing when I saw them. The second hearing was logically very short.

    I realized everything was planned right from the beginning (and probably from the French Bethel I had just left a few months before).

    That was back in 1986...

  • Gadget
    The second hearing was logically very short.

    Whats an average time for these 'hearings'? Narkissos said his was very short, and Simon's was 6 hrs. My first one was 3hrs, and my appeal was around 4 hrs. How long is average, and what does it mean if your hearing was longer or shorter than the norm?

  • Narkissos


    I would say the first hearing was about 2 hours long, and the appeal approximately half an hour. But (fortunately) my memories are fading...

  • simplesally

    Most dubs don't appeal their JC meetings because they are loyal to the brothers. They don't want to "waste" the brothers' time. They also don't want to anger the brothers by appealing. They figure if you appeal them then you don't trust them, their decisions are being second guessed. Now the brothers are really upset. Some dubs just take their licks, hurt in private and don't have a problem enduring 6 months or a year of torture and then the little elders see how humbly they took their punishment.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I haven't been in in a long time, but as far as I can see, the Elders just do pretty much what they want and have the whole congregation intimidated and scared. Pffft.


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