In everlasting life.....what happens when...?

by Frantic 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frantic

    Armageddon comes...Ressurection. What 'age' do the perfect humans, better put, what age will everyone look like in the perfect world? It would be kinda weird to see your great great great great great great grandma the same age as you, u know? Are there any explanations regarding perfect humans in an ageless state on 'paridise earth'?. What goes on??? I asked a couple of JW's and they said "Nobody knows what magical things Jehovah can manufacture"...

  • worldlygirl
    Nobody knows what magical things Jehovah can manufacture"...

  • SanFranciscoJim
    Are there any explanations regarding perfect humans in an ageless state on 'paridise earth'?

    I remember an overseer giving a talk on this in 1975, when we were all so sure Armageddon and the resurrection were right on top of us. He said that everyone would be resurrected at their "optimum" age, which he interpreted as late-twenties to mid-thirties. He said it would be cruel of Jehovah to resurrect elderly people in their dying state and have their aging process slowly reverse.

    Of course, this is material from over 25 years ago, so they could have gotten "new light" since then. I'm not sure if any such speculation was ever put in print by the WTBTS or not.

  • Frantic

    Thanks Jim, its odd to say people will come back at the optimum age if its not published in the WTBTS/Bible. U know, I should just ask a JW elder. Thanks for ur response.

  • yxl1

    Didnt they say something about once we all have everlasting life, and have lived for thousands of years, jehovah would stop sexual reproduction in man so as not to overpopulate the paradise. I kinda remeber they were quite vague about the details on how people would all of a sudden stop sha**ing. Was that an actual teaching or was I just I tripping during that bookstudy?

  • Sassy

    well since we know that isn't going to happen now.... I am looking to that grow old and die deal now.. forgetting the perfect age.. etc etc..

  • sandy
    Nobody knows what magical things Jehovah can manufacture"...

    And the JWs make fun of the Trinitarians who say "It's God's Mistery"....

  • Enishi

    Much as I would have liked having a young body for all eternity, I've accepted that its just not going to happen.

  • Carmel

    The real question is "what will I do with my supply of Viagra?" or will I still need it?


  • Kenneson

    Millions now living will also die.

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