What book(s) are you reading?

by gaiagirl 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • gaiagirl

    I just finished a 'historical novel' titled "Confessions of a Pagan Nun", by Kate Horsley. This is a story about a woman who grew up in Ireland during the late 5th and early 6th century, at the time when Christianity was beginning to displace the older pagan customs. The story tells how Gwynneve is raised according to the beliefs of her ancestors, and the conflicts she experiences as she gradually comes into contact with those claiming to represent the Christian faith. I thought that the author portrayed the older pagan ways and the new Christian beliefs fairly, not all positive or all negative, but kind of a mixture. The book also shows how some of the methods of "conversion" used by the early Church were not always gentle, and that the quality of life for converted population was not always improved, but in many ways, significantly decreased.

    The book is well written, and I found myself reading it at night until I was too tired to keep my eyes open. As novels go, it is relatively short, less than 200 pages, but they are very absorbing pages.


  • Gadget

    I've just finished reading 'The Art of Psychic Protection'by Judy Hall, and I'm also reading 'Crisis of Conscience' and 'The Geordie Bible'.

  • Englishman

    Just finishing the last few chapters of "The Da Vinci Code".

    Bought it in the US, I don't think it's been released here yet.


  • peacefulpete

    The Limits of Privacy by Amitai Etzioni about recent concerns of loss of privacy in the wake of new threats of terrorism.

  • yxl1

    just finished "Age of reason" by Thomas Paine. Just about to re-read "The Watchmen" graphic novel.

  • Oracroth

    I just finished a Sociology book and I plan to study genetics next. I am a man of knowledge and I plan to major in every scientific field I can imagine all through self study.

  • shotgun

    Just finished.............. Who wrote the Gospels


  • Mulan
    just finished "Age of reason" by Thomas Paine

    That is a good read. I read it two years ago, and it was what first made me begin to doubt the Bible was what I thought it was. Much of his reasoning was outdated, but lots of it was right on too.

    Currently I am reading "Cry the Beloved Country" about South Africa. I have only read the long Introduction, author's notes, and the first chapter. Usually I'm not a big fan of classic literature, because the writing has always seemed tedious to me, but we'll see how this goes. So far, it's keeping me interested.

  • Michael3000

    "Count Zero" by William Gibson

    "The Da Vinci Code" is on my list, though.

  • rekless

    "Education of a Wandering Man", by Louis L'Amore it is a memoir of his self education by traveling to Europe, Asia. Africa. He is best know for the great life in the old west. Great read.

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