2015 service report

by mommyfirstandalways 109 Replies latest members private

  • sir82

    260,000 baptized with a net increase of 20,000.

    Could there be some kind of trouble in spiritual paradise?

    You have to factor in probably 80,000 - 100,000 deaths out of a population of 8,000,000+, but yeah, there were a lot who left (or were booted out).
  • GoneAwol

    Ha! I noticed that. They seem to have "found" an extra 40 odd countries from somewhere. Their ass maybe? Unless they count "the spiritual paradise enjoyed by millions of dubs worldwide" as a country?


  • OneEyedJoe
    You have to factor in probably 80,000 - 100,000 deaths out of a population of 8,000,000+, but yeah, there were a lot who left (or were booted out).

    Considering the average age of the JWs in my area, I'm guessing that the death rate will be much higher than the population at large. I expect this to be a very large contributing factor to the coming decline in the next decade, at least in the US.

    I look forward to seeing the numbers for the US. I wonder if they'll merge any more "lands" into the US branch territory again so that they can make it look like an increase.

  • sir82

    Memorial attendance declined too:

    2014: 19.950,019

    2015: 19,862,783

    A decrease of 0.4%.

    The 2015 Memorial was on a weekend evening, typically that leads to an increase in attendance. That it was a weekend evening and it still dropped is really big.

  • bohm

    sir82: It is much much worse than that!

    It is unreasonable to expect there was no increase in publishers in the large growth areas such as Africa and South america meaning there must have been a DECREASE somewhere (most likely western Europe, USA).

    If these are the comparable numbers the next yearbook is going to be super interesting!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton
    Do we know how many emblem partakers?
  • OneEyedJoe
    Looks like I picked a popular year to stop reporting time. The post-2014 disappointment is encouraging to be sure.
  • Splash
    If the figures are correct...

  • ToesUp

    That is a pitiful increase in 2014-2015. Good to see! They see their #'s decreasing and are setting themselves up financially for the decrease.

    I truly believe they only want the most holy of people.

  • sir82

    Thanks for the chart!

    Interesting, so there was a [round to 0%] growth year in 1998-99, which would likely be a (delayed) result of the (1st of many) generation change teachings starting to sink in.

    But, also note that there were still well over 300,000 baptisms that year, representing nearly 5.5% of average publishers.

    The news is much worse in 2014-2015, with an ever lower rate of growth and only a 3.2% ratio of baptisms to publishers.

    Baptisms at lowest level in 9 years, and the 4th lowest total in the past 25 years.

    The more you look at the numbers, the worse it gets! Love it!

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