Canadian Tire Money to pay for liquor....DOH !!

by Special K 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Special K
    Special K


    A city bar in letting customers use Canadian Tire money to purchase alcohol.

    Pete's Peanut Pub allows patrons to buy drinks once a week with the promotional money issued by the huge retailing chain to its customers.

    Bar owner, Kevin Young said he wanted a gimmick to draw more people through the front door and uses the money to buy supplies for his business from Canadian Tire.

    The Alberta Liquor and Gambling Commission suggests allowing patrons to use the money as legal tender is like giving liquor away for free, but Young said that's not his intent.

    Canadian Tire spokeswoman Jennifer Saxton said the franchise isknown as a family business and it's inappropriate for the tender to be used to buy beer."

    taken from Chronicle Herald Newspaper, Halifax, Nov 18/03


    What's your opinion on this one?

    I find it hard enough to keep food on the table for my family. I would prefer if I could use my Canadian Tire money at the Grocery store.

    Hey if everybody joins in then we'll see, Zellers points, Sears Points, Shoppers Drug Mart Points, Air Miles all being cashed in at a local "bars for booze."

    It just smacks a little wrong to use Canadian Tire Money for liquor. But I can see that it would be of value to the bar owner...

    This is certainly a weird one.. don't you think.

    I wonder if I took my Canadian Tire money to the liquor store they would accept it? NOT.


    Special K

  • iiz2cool

    I'd be interested to know how it's reported on their tax returns.


  • Special K
    Special K

    Interesting question iiz2cool

    Thinking about that.. I would assume they would have to declare it as income.. (but maybe not).

    I don't count up all my Canadian tire money and count it as income on my income tax..

    When they buy something for the bar with Canadian Tire Money.. That would be an expense.. ??? but your not using legal Canadian Tender.. Hmm?...

    special k

  • Satanus

    Sounds like a great idea to me. I would say that as soon as/if capitalists get over their worry of negative public image, they'll all jump on this. But of course, if the public screams and yells, then sears etc will chicken out.

    Gotta love alberta. It's so innovative.


  • SanFranciscoJim

    When is Tim Horton's going to start accepting Canadian Tire money?

  • bebu

    OK, I saw mention of "Canadian tire money" on an earlier thread that listed ways you knew you were Canadian. I'm not Canadian, and haven't a clue as to what this refers to! I'm curious!


  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi bebu..

    Canadian Tire is a big box type store in Canada which deals in car parts, tools, homewares, .. in fact they have expanded over the past couple years to remind me somewhat of a Walmart type affair..except more guy things than girl things with Car repair bays usual part and parcel of the store. They also have a big seasonal department. Winter with hockey, skis, boots, Christmas stuff.. and Summer Seasonal with camping, baseball, bicycles etc.

    Anyways, when you pay cash or use their "Canadian Tire Credit Card".. you are rewarded with something called "Canadian Tire Money". Paper Canadian Tire money much like the game Monopoly Money. You collect Canadian Tire Money and you can take it to their Stores and buy items with it.

    Hope that is helpful, bebu


    Special K

  • bebu

    Thanks special K! Now it all becomes clear...


  • hawkaw

    And here all along I thought it was "crappy tire money".

  • morty

    Well it beats it being collected in your kitchen junk least it is being used up....wish alot more bars did this....would have about a months worth of free drinking at the bars.........

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